Thursday, January 14, 2021

The Big Lie From A Small Guy. . .

Like the "Big Bang" that gave life to our universe's humble beginnings, we have the country's "Big Lie" which began our spiral into hell. President Trump insisted that all who follow him must also accept all of his lies with impunity.  

His biggest lie of all was, "I won the election, by a lot!" 

All fifty states have certified that he lost the election.  They also certified that there was NO discernible fraud found in ANY presidential election.  None.  Zilch.  Nada.  Nein.  

And still, this means nothing to the small guy.  It  also means nothing to his followers.  He has convinced them to take the lie to the streets and, through force, persuade the rest of us to accept the big lie as truth. Otherwise, there will be threats of bodily injury and even death!  

This small guy lost the election big time, both in the popular vote and in the electoral vote.  His followers believe everything he tells them and, fortunately for him, none of them bother to read or watch the news.  We know this because he did a great job of convincing them to not believe anything they hear or see unless it came from him. That, in fact, was his greatest commandment and big lie, and it gave credence to all others.

The results of his evil undertaking are now obvious to everyone. America has roughly seventy-plus million Republican voters who are now the all-new-and-greatly-unimproved versions of what once made up the Grand Old Party.  That, of course, brings us to the sixty-four million dollar question:  What kind of elephant will rise from the ashes of the ages-old pachyderm?  Will it look like a "Trumpyderm" or will it look, once again, like its accessorial one-trunk, and two-tusks pachyderm?  Or, will they just slowly sink into the tar pits of failed politics, never to be heard from again?

The current leaders of the Party must chose quickly and chose wisely. They are currently on a course to oblivion with their insistence on playing the tough guy card.  They are antagonizing the entire country by displaying themselves as a horde of elephants running amok and riding roughshod over anyone who disagrees with them.  

They have lost the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, and the Oval Office.  They have lost the respect of our allies while gaining the adoration of our adversaries, and they left the rest of us in fear and confusion.
So, what's it to be, GOP?

After the big lie from the small guy, are you going to rejoin the human race again?


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