This Investigation Will Be A "Killer". . .

If you thought we had seen the worst of this administration, let me give you a peek at what is yet to come.

We are about to learn why America is still waiting for their covid-19 vaccine shot in the arm. The latest numbers show about 10.6 million people have received at least one dose, and that about 1.5 million have been fully vaccinated.  That is far short of the goal federal officials set to give at least 20 million people their first shot before the end of 2020.

Why, you might ask?

There is a pesky little piece of information that is alarming: Most of our governors have been lied to about not only how many doses they will receive, but when they will receive them. They built their plans on how to begin giving shots based on those two critical pieces of information.  But, alas, our crack team of federal distributors, inaptly called "warp speed" failed and outright fabricated numbers and times.

How are these mental midgets answering the questions?  Well, if any of them were still around, we could ask them.  But, most have resigned, and their boss, the liar-in-chief, hasn't been in his office much for about...well, since Nov. 3, 2020. He's been busy trying to overturn a fair and lop-sided election he lost. Ironically, he just might have answers for us, but he is most likely at the root of the false information our states have been receiving. 

When he is official out of office, this nation is going to hire thousands of attorneys to dig into the myriad of crimes he and his thugs have committed.  

But the most pressing of these crimes against Americans will be:  Why did so many people have to become infected with covid-19, why did so many have to die because the president did not see that Americans got the truth, and why didn't the states got their vaccine when promised?

That will be the fatal blow to this president's long list of crimes.  Wait and watch for the answers.  It may be just one more nail in his coffin, but it will be as big as a railroad spike!



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