Sunday, January 24, 2021

So My Happy New Year News Is Late. . .


Or at least it feels that way to some!

As we look back at 2020, we have that nagging feeling that it may only look like it won. . . if we squint real hard.  We can all agree, however, that regardless of the fight, we have arrived in Twenty-Twenty-One.

The pandemic has taken the lives of more than 400,000 of our brothers and sisters here in America, and it's not through with us yet.

The political landscape is still in a turmoil and while we have a new administration in place, we seem to be having trouble defining and digesting the old one.  It is out of sight but not out of mind - yet!

Our nation is about as divided as it was in the 1860s - before and during our Civil War.  As a matter of fact, many will tell you today that we are in the middle of a new-and-unimproved, technological civil war with the same old hate but with new-fangled social media, whiz-bang. doohickeys like Facebook and Twitter to help us fight. God never intended for our thumbs and fingers to do the rapid-fire weapon-shooting work we ask them to now do.  They have become our weapons of choice to use on our political foes.

Here in Montana, however, the GOP has definitely Won!  They have our state covered like a big, wooly blanket...full of bed bugs, stickers, and fleas.  Nothing is sacred anymore.  Tax cuts are only for the rich, and a few handfuls of wheat that the combines left on the ground are for the rest of us.  They are disallowing trans kids from playing sports, which will cut federal dollars for our schools.  They have insulated businesses from being sued by employees who become infected with covid-19 while working on a job where the owner is negligent of workplace restrictions. A state-wide abortion ban is next up and they have their sights set on killing off unions, too.  So many people-friendly issues that are far from necessary in the minds of GOP/Business people. 

We can only guess what people-winning issues will be next, but we know they will include the GOP death knell of liberal-dreams-on-the-guillotine.  Perhaps they will cut the minimum wage to $3.25 per hour.  Maybe a 60-hour work week with neither overtime pay or regular pay beyond 40 hours. They might be considering that all workers must donate (by payroll deduction, of course) to a company-wide charity to help the boss pay for his backyard swimming pool.


It isn't unusual for voracious Republicans to think this way.

And believe me, Montana now has more than its share of those!

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