The GOP will start behaving when those proverbial pigs fly.  

It is one thing to show hostility toward an issue or a person.  But to be cantankerous about everything, the whole live-long day, is downright mean.  I can accept someone's right to demonize the ideas of their opponent, and I will even stand there and listen to their rants.  After all, I would hope to even learn something from their point of view.  Maybe they might even have a fact that I had not been privy to knowing.  We all have to listen to people. That's a big part of communicating.

However, behavior is the key.  

We can accept anyone for having an opinion different from our own.  We can debate issues with civility and truth. And, we can hope that both sides will always stick to facts and not to falsehoods.

But when it comes to the pattern laid out by the current Grand Old Party, we are not talking about any of these things called facts, falsehoods, opinions, or debates.

I am saying that the Republican Party has been morphed into a strange and dangerous breed of animal that belies all it once stood for.  It is a creature with no known past, has a puzzling presence, and a future that is hard to visualize and uncomfortable to accept.

They are mean spirited, just for the sake of being mean.  They are contrarians to the max.   They will say the sky is orange if you say it is blue.  They will say the rule of law has alternative meanings if you say it is the basis of our constitution.

Their odd behavior has wreaked havoc with what has been our norm for 244 years.  As a matter of fact, their words and actions give the listeners the belief that they have come to the conclusion that they want nothing to do with our democracy. They want a new national order that will make up rules to fit their life style, and only their life style.  This new animal is headstrong and unwilling to accept the will of the people.  It will never kowtow to previous orders.  It is, in a word, belligerent.  Belligerent to a dangerous fault.

Will they ever reverse their newly acquired and frightening persona  and retreat to their days of yore?  Maybe.

Maybe when pigs fly.


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