Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Divided, We Fall. . .

America is standing on the cusp of a fatal crisis. We are on the precipice of an unstable overhang and there is nothing but air for thousands of feet straight down.

To the left of us is a group of strong, hardworking people who are trying to stabilize our balance and keep us from falling.  They are the anchors of our democracy.  They have the constitution of our nation imbedded in their mind and heart. 

To the right of us is a group who has placed their political party and their individual futures ahead of our country.  They are in a free-wheeling state of mind and they will not be deterred form their goals to take back control of our government.  They have tried to decertify our last presidential election.  They have stormed our capitol, maimed and killed innocent people and, through mob rule, had plans to kidnap and kill elected officials of our capitol.  They hunted for the Vice President of the United States with plans to do him great harm, but he escaped to a protected bunker.  This mob consisted of White Supremacists, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and other vicious groups of radicalized domestic terrorists.  They were incited to do harm by the President of the United States.  He told them, over national television, "to go to the capitol and fight like hell, because if you don't, you are going to lose your country."

Many Republicans who are members of the U.S. House and Senate were complicit in this assault on January 6, 2021.  Many are still fighting the fair, verified elections in all fifty states.  The new Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate said today that, "the former president has acted in a reprehensible and treasonist way, the likes of which America has never witnessed."  A trial in the senate will decide his guilt or innocence.  However, it is evident that all but five Republican Senators may acquit him. Regardless, we will still have to contend with that mob of homegrown terrorists!

So, the cliff we are standing on as we stare down into that bottomless chasm is beginning to crumble.  There is little that can save us. Ironically, maybe the only ones who can are those standing to the "right" of us.

What will they do?  

What kind of political party have they become?

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