The Jackals are Inside Our Gates!

Charles Schultz, cartoonist and creator of the comic strip "Peanuts" said it best through the words he wrote for good ol' Charlie Brown:  "Good Grief!"

My words would be, "Who loosed these Hounds of Hell?"

We have all been painfully aware of the hostile, unpatriotic Republican  desperados in the U.S. House of Representatives for some time now.  And, they are also active in our U. S. Senate.  Their contrarian, obnoxious, and overtly hostile actions in those hallowed halls have been televised for the whole world to see  - which I assumed was their  intention.  One casts aside his jacket, rolls up his sleeves, and wants all of us to know he's "the boss" of the shindig as he does his rapid-fire demeaning of anyone within earshot.  Several others interrupts and bark back at witnesses giving testimony like the proverbial junk yard dogs of the House. They consider themselves not just House Republicans, but the House "Super Republicans." They are opposed to such pesky things as:  rule of law, Capitol decorum, mission statement of the Grand Old Party, and our democracy, in general.  To most, they aren't really Republicans at all, but rather a horde about to spawn another political party.

These individuals have crawled out onto the ledge of sanity and are screaming at we Americans in the dark of night.  Their judgement has sprung from the likes of their idol, the former president, or from their own warped and wrong-headed sense of dishonoring our nation's long, rich heritage. 

What are they really about? No one has asked these unpatriotic devils to rewrite our constitution, tear apart our bill of rights, or reshape the equality of our branches of government. Take, for example, a newly elected upstart Representative from Georgia, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R).  She came to the House just days ago, packing the papers to begin the impeachment of President Joe Biden. Cute.  This is the kind of Republicans that are being elected these days?

You know a few more of these unpatriotic elected officials by their names:  Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Lindsay Graham, Sen. Josh Hawley, Minority House Leader Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Jim Jordan, Rep. Matt Gaetz,  and Rep. Louis Gohmert. But there are several more.  Some of these are being investigated for questionable actions they may have taken in the Jan. 6th insurrection on our capitol.  The Speaker of the House said any who are found guilty will be removed from office.

While we all want the bad taste of the past four years to go away, we cannot allow elected members of both houses of our congress to escape our laws.  What kind of a legislative body would we display to our nation - and the world - if we allowed them to skip punishment for crimes we would not waive for our citizens?

Good Grief!  What have we become?  

A horde of treasonists 
from our  executive and legislative branches?



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