John Watson

There are some things we just shouldn't have to tolerate. Like the time the President of the United States invited the armed thugs of QAnon, Proud Boys, and various other bad hombres to come for a visit to the sacred halls - and private offices - of the U.S. House and Senate.  It was devastating!  People around the country sat in front of their television screens in absolute horror.  These "party crashers" stormed pass what security was present and those who didn't enter through doors smashed windows to get inside.  Our Capitol was defenseless!  They marched through the hallowed halls with Confederate flags, Trump flags, Don't Tread On Me flags, and others.  Many were armed and ransacked the Office of the Speaker of the House.  Five people died.

Why?  Because the President of the United States lost the election of 2020 and decided the best defense for the loss was a good offense.  So he summoned his street stormtroopers to come to the Capitol on Jan. 6th - the day Congress was in the process of certifying the results of the Electoral College and declaring Joe Biden as our next President.

There were about a dozen U.S. Senators who stood to object to Biden as the winner.  There were also about 140 U.S. Representatives who joined in the objection. They were fighting mad and ready to enact a "constitutional crisis" if necessary.

The stage was set.  Trump had deliberately chosen this day to have his thugs disrupt those proceedings, but it was not a secret.  All of the Congressional Republicans knew what was coming and they were assumed to be complicit in the insurrection. 

As of today, a few of those Republicans are trying to declare mea culpa and think a mere "sorry" will suffice.  This attack on our Capitol was the worse since the British tried to burn it to the ground on August 24, 1814, during the War of 1812. Mea culpa is far from being adequate for such a criminal event!

This attack was hatched by Donald Trump, a very poor loser,  and his Republican politicians who have blindly supported his corruption for four long years.  There should be no mercy extended to any of them! 

Resignation is the only answer.  Even those who have offered feeble excuses for their participation can be shown any lenience. 

Otherwise, what kind of a democracy do we have?  
Does our rule of law forgive the privileged and powerful? 


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