Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Enemy Within. . .

House Minority Leader
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)
The nation is expecting this man to gather up his GOP, renegade, howl-at-the- moon, pack of hounds who were loosed on the U.S. House of Representatives, and put them back into chains. (When the laughter dies down, we'll continue.)

This man is Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.  A member  of the Republican Party, he has served in the House since 2007.  He represents California's 23rd congressional district.

Sometime next week, McCarthy is to have a meeting with one of the strangest ladies to ever step foot into the House.  Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) has managed to do and say at least two dozen outrageous things before she even found the door to the House's  little girl's room. As an example of how her "brain" works, she believes a "secret Jewish laser blast for space is responsible for the terrible California fires."  She has threatened many House Members, one who was assigned an office next to her, but has since asked, out of fear of the kook, to be moved.  There is a bound volume-sized report on her incredibly insane actions already, and she got arrived this month!

It will be interesting to see how McCarthy handles this.  Stay tuned.

Other thugs under his command are:  Matt Gaetz, Jim Jordan, Mo Brooks, and Louis Gohmert, to name a few.  These are hard core, obnoxious villains  who are still fighting the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Many are traveling the country and rallying against their fellow Republicans who did not support Trump in the last election.  Their goal is to get voters to elect new, more loyal Trump/GOP candidates next time.

One would think McCarthy has a tough job trying to keep these thugs in line.  One would think wrongly, however.  It appears he has no intention of keeping them on the straight and narrow.  The intense heat emanating from the fires of these knot heads seems of little concern to our man, McCarthy.  As a matter of fact, the nation sees and hears him, regularly, on national television ranting about the "stolen election" of his idol Trump.  So much for tamping down the hostility!

He took time out of his busy schedule, amid the raucous yelling and screaming within the House of Horrors, and jetted down to Mar-a-Lago this week to visit his old buddy.  It appeared he came home with new marching orders from "individual number one" to continue the coup with the stormtroopers who are "still at the ready." 

Folks, we know how to fight the enemy across the seas and we know how to fight the enemy 
that came ashore.

But we seem to be having a great deal of trouble fighting the enemy who lives
 in our own neighborhoods!  

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