Montana, You Don't Look Good In Ruby Red

 America's political world has turned upside down.  The State of Georgia has turned the most beautiful blue anyone has ever seen...and Montana has turned as bright ruby red as the shoes Dorothy wore on her way to see the Wizard of Oz.  Can you believe it?

Of course, Montana has always been a red state, but nothing like the dye lot that they mixed for the 2020 election.

We are an eye-squinting red from wall to wall and floor to ceiling!

Why, you might ask?  Well, my own personal guess is this: They have suffered for four long years, the slings and arrows by outraged foes aimed at their beloved leader, the president, and they took to the ballot box to square things with those dastardly Democrats. In the process, they have inadvertently loosed the hounds of hell on all Montanans, including themselves, and it has made for a terrible stench on Montana politics.

All forms of Republican politicians, some with reprehensible values, "and some, I'm sure who are very good people," were scooped up in the net and deposited into various positions.  And that, dear friends, is the rub.

U.S. Senator Steve Daines (R) was a questionable candidate, at best, to defeat Gov. Steve Bullock (D).  That was before the "Red Storm." Daines is well known as a man for the Party and for himself.  For Montana - not so much.  He has been hard to communicate with and easy to distrust.  When he does sneak into the state, only the top Republicans will get a chance to talk to him.  As for Montanans, he is mostly just AWOL.  Don't waste your trying to get a response from him by telephone or e-mail, either. As a GOP U.S. Senator, he filed his objection at allowing Biden to be our next president on the grounds that the election was grossly fraudulent.  

Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) was also a questionable candidate.  He is known for body-slamming a national news reporter for asking him a simple question he just didn't want to answer about the Affordable Care Act.  As a result, he was arrested, fined, and ordered to take anger management therapy.  He has a whacky idea that the earth is only 6,000 years old and therefore humans must have mingled with dinosaurs. Also, he believes that since Noah (the Ark builder) worked until he was about 800 years old, no one today needs to retire and collect Social Security.  You can bet that a man with anger management issues and supports Donald J. Trump is not, in most Montanan's minds, a good fit for Governor.  He is already showing his hostility to mask wearing by killing the mandate ordered by former Governor Bullock.  His Republican base is very happy, however.

Rep. Matt Rosendale (R) was definitely not high on anyone's list for the job he won.  He had messed in his nest as Montana State Auditor and displayed an inability to do most any kind of work - except promote himself for a bigger job. 

Elsie Arntzen (R) was given another four years to further ignore Montana's public school system  as Superintendent of Public Instruction.  Everyone knows her heart is in private schools and she will steal as many taxpayer dollars as possible to steer their way.

There are other examples of elephants that were swept up in the giant net by the "Red Storm" that I will get into another time.  We are into a wait-and-see mode with all of these folks and about the only thing we can do is watch them closely.  They are going to cause a tidal wave of Republican terror, such as a bill that is reportedly ready to go that will ban all abortions in Montana.  (Does anyone know how few abortions Montana even has?)

It is what it is, Montana.  The GOP is reeling from the Trump disaster and we will pay for their dashed dreams of another four years of nation-wide power, corruption, and glory.



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