When Did We Give Our Authority Away?

When is it the voters' turn to start making demands?  Haven't we heard enough from the "politicos?"  You do know they are supposed to be representing us and not themselves?

When some of us elected these characters, we didn't give them the keys to the safe and the law books.  We intended for them to work for us to make a better place for all.  We wanted them to find answers to the problems we all face.  We gave them the right to speak on our behalf.  We ask them to keep in touch with us and let us know how things were going.  We told them we would keep in touch with them, also, and let them know how things were going back on the homestead.

Well, it seems that something happened about fifty miles outside of the Montana border.  As they dashed off on their grand adventure and money-making schemes, they forgot everything we asked of them and everything they promised they would do for us.

Most of them turn into greedy little "human gimme pigs" and by the time they hit Washington D.C., they are converted into little pointy-headed, selfish, big shots who are nothing more than independent contractors on a mission to fill their own bank accounts.  They find lobbyists on every street corner with gunny sacks stuffed full of money and free for the taking.  That is, of course, if our friendly politico will give the right answer to a vote they request. It's a cesspool filled with swamp creatures who have sold their souls to special interest groups. Our elected free-spirits find the swamp like a swimming pool filled with hundred-dollar bills and they dive right in before the first day's sun goes down.  Such begins the life, money, and power of our corrupt official.

We have to change things, folks!

We need to vet these candidates better.  We need to vote for the candidate instead of the Party.  And we need to do a complete reform of our campaign and election system.

We are letting pointy-headed rich people buy these elections. None of us have a problem with rich people...but it soon becomes a problem when they buy an office and use it as a spring board to become mega-rich.   A list of how many millionaires and billionaires who hold elected office today would astonish you, and those who are not yet that rich are on their way, believe me.  

Legislative bills that affect all of our lives are passed into law by politicians who were paid to pass them.  It is a business of money and greed that rivals the New York Stock Exchange!

And we are sitting here in stupid silence and watching our American Dream fly out the door.

Put all candidates on a level playing field.  Limit the amount of money a candidate can spend.  Limit the amount of time a candidate can campaign.  Limit (or eliminate) the candidate's negative advertising spent on his/her opponent.  Place limits (or stop) special interest corruption hanging around the halls of our legislature.  

We Americans are the only ones who can make these implementations. Our politicians won't because they have become the foxes guarding the hen houses.

Do these things
 and we'll have a much better class of politicians. 


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