Monday, January 31, 2022

We're on the cusp of something. . .

The Evil Elephants

Don't ever let a Republican lie to you or cheat you because they'll drag you down to their level. . . and then beat you with experience.

This nation is on the cusp of something no sane person would have ever imagined. The political insanity of the Grand Old Party has transgressed into the treasonous, corrupt, and deceptive actions of the Republican Party of Trump. This new Party is on the threshold of over-turning our democracy, our constitution, and our rule of law. They are planning a deliberate suppression and nullification of our future elections. They nearly succeeded in overturning our last national election and giving the losing presidential candidate four more years in office.

All of this, and they neither deny their evil intentions nor do they give a damn about it. Their object is to win at all cost!

These are the evil elephants!

The reason for their uprising is clear. They are smart enough to read and when they do they find out that the white race in America will become the minority in approximately twenty years. This information is like kryptonite to Superman. They will not be able to handle it because it will wipe out about ninety percent of their reason for living. Their political party will have to rewrite about ninety-eight percent of their stated platform. They will turn into a melted puddle of reddish goo. They will be victimized by women, people of color, socialists, union workers, and all enemies of the former president. Their lives will be a living hell. Their chances of making great gobs of corrupt money will dry up. Their greed for power will be but a dream. America's main-stream media will expose their once-sorted lifestyles.

This is the future for the evil elephants. . . unless they can somehow come to the realization that we can all live happily ever after. We are all humans, you know. Except for that tiny fraction of skin surface, we are all the same inside. When given the chance, we can all think alike. We all, assumedly, love our country. We could all work together to make it better. It is possible. It is preferred. It is the American way.

What do you say, elephants?


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Call me crazy. . . lots of people do-

 Are They Out There?

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) and the Extraterrestrials who fly them are becoming a more serious subject within our government. The American military has never commented on the evidence of such news reports in the past. To them it was crazy talk from crazy people. Military and civilian pilots have reported that they were warned to never report them under fear of never flying again. Most reports that have been made by pilots and crew were attained after they retired.

However, within the past few years, the public has been able to view the actual video of military pilots who were able to "lock on" to these mysterious flying objects. This is a big change in how the pentagon now confronts the UFO reports. Evidently, the military and airline companies have had a "change of heart" in how they would react to an UFO reporting.

UFO investigators are reporting that they believe the nation's top military people are ready to make a big announcement. Since 1947, when the famous Roswell UFO crash landing took place, the pentagon set up a commission to investigate UFOs through a publication called "Blue Book."  It was written by supposed military people who made exhaustive examinations of the subject and ultimately considered it a hoax and said their investigations were complete and they closed the commission - permanently! It was later disclosed that the chairman of the commission confessed he went into the project as a total skeptic and refused to change his mind.

In recent years, it has been found that our government lied to us and never really stopped their investigations. . . they only stopped reporting their findings to anyone. It became a top secret, for "certain eyes only" to know.  U.S. Presidents, by the way, were never "read into the investigation results," even though some have reported they asked to know what was going on and were told it was better if they did not know. Of our 46 presidents, 22 of them have stated they saw what they believed to be UFOs.

The evidence that UFOs exist is becoming a hot topic again. It is showing up in the news with more consistency. The reason the military has always given for not discussing it with the American people is because they think they will not be able to handle the shock and they don't know how they will react.

My belief is there is too much evidence of the existence of UFOs to keep it under wraps any longer and the government is aware of that. Too many people with camera devices in their hands are going to start taking stills and videos of things that can't be dismissed.

Where do they come from?  Are they living here?  Think about the floors of our oceans.  We know only about 3% of the deepest parts of our oceans. They could have a base - or bases - and oceanographers say we would never know. I don't have any evidence, but that seems to be the problem with this entire story, doesn't it? Are we actually looking for the truth about all of these millions of "sightings" around the world? Or, have  we only been interested in covering it all up?

Maybe the "big surprise" is about to be revealed by our government.

What do you think?

Friday, January 28, 2022

The Evil Elephant. . .


First it was a battle of Democrats vs. Republicans. Then it became a battle of Good vs. Evil. Today, Evil has won and there is just an  autocracy. Our democracy died in the early stages of the battle.

The Republican Party of Trump has finally come out of the closet and made their blood-curdling scream that our democracy and constitution are no longer to their liking. They feel hemmed in with the guard rails of how we govern. The Party wants to add a little right-wing sauce into the rules. For example, only certain segments of our population have the right to vote, and they will "audit" any race that they lose. 

Of course, their needs go much beyond who can vote and who will count ballots. State Election Officials who have been on the job for years and who are of another political persuasion are being replaced as we type. Their replacements are loyalists who will do the bidding of the Party and pull whatever strings are necessary to assure their party will always win.

November 8, 2022 is coming fast and the "evil elephants" have a head start.  

Don't let them win!


Tucker Carlson 
"Imagination Station"

Carlson is the station nitwit of the hour and anchor to all of the lies that are fit to broadcast. He shares witless wisdom with the likes of other crazies such as: Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and the Doocy father-and-idiot-son duo. 

He has been on a rant about the president's off-handed remark aimed at young-and-dumb Peter Doocy.  It was obvious that the president did not know his mike was still on when he heard a walking-away question from young Doocy as all the media was leaving the room. It was a weird question and the president mutter to himself, "What a stupid son-of-a-bitch." 

Unlike the thousands of overtly profane and hurtful things the former president uttered, President Biden did call later and apologize.  The former president would never have considered doing such a thing. He relished in telling the world the media was, "the enemy of the people."  

It is long overdue for someone to pull the plug on the FOX fiasco. It serves on useful purpose to anyone except those who sit in front of their television sets and await the latest lies about life in America. The seriously damaged folks who sit in front of the cameras and show no empathy for how much they are damaging our nation by their anti-democratic lies are to be pities more than hated - and they are seriously hated by nearly seventy percent of America!

If you are not familiar with Mr. Carlson, think about the guy on television who looks into the camera with the look of my dog when he is trying to figure out what I am saying to him. It seems to be his "go to" look and it is a look that you will never likely forget.  I don't know who taught him to use that look, but it was poor advice.  The empty space in his noggin is showing...bigly! 

Just before you write your letter to your cable subscriber to cancel FOX from your line-up, take one last look at ol' Tucker. You'll see what I mean.

Thursday, January 27, 2022

We have a partisan U.S. Supreme Court and everyone knows it!

 Is the United States Supreme Court Partisan?
Does a Bear Poop in the Woods?

There are six conservatives and three liberals on the U.S. Supreme Court today.  That means vacancies happened during the time a conservative president was in office. 

As they say back on the farm: This ain't rocket science, folks.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has announced he will be retiring soon - probably in June, at the end of the current session. He has said in a recent interview with CNN that the court is getting too political and he was finding it difficult.

Of course they are partisan.  They kneel in the cloak room with no devices to accidentally record any big secrets and proclaim to the heavens that decisions will be made strictly on the merits of the case and without a partisan thought whatsoever to creep into their judicial minds.

Bull pucky.

The justice that has a beer stein placed in front of him on the mahogany bench will tell you, with trembling chin, that he swears on his college fraternity's ring that no political thoughts will ever pass his lips. And no damn liberal will ever make him say any different. 

The newest justice on the bench will always look to the right before making all of her decisions. That means she looks for guidance. . . and approval.

We live in a sad and polarized country. Liberals are liberal and conservatives are conservative - and never the twain shall meet. Our tremendously important third leg of government is as screwed up and out of step with the people as our legislative leg is. Five years ago, the first leg of government - the Executive Branch - was ruled by an authoritarian pathological liar who looked neither left nor right. . . he only looked to himself! 

We are doomed to fail if we cannot get our act together and cut through this bull pucky that we call politics. Neither Party, alone, can solve the problem. It will take the waring tribe that started this nation-dividing cult to lay down its spears and accept the truth.

America is worth saving.

However, America is not worth saving if we must live by the autocracy that the Right demands. Nearly 250 years ago a righteous and enduring blueprint of a democracy was laid out for us. While it was, truthfully, an experiment, it has served us well and we have been a beacon to other countries to follow our freedom and the (promised) equality of our people. There have been big bumps along the way, but we have survived. . . until about five years ago when we lost our way. Hopefully, we see the road signs again.

Now all we have to do is get everyone to agree with the signs. 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

It is now the Missoula County Republican Party of Trump. . .

The Missoula County Republicans are huntin' bear - and election fraud -  in the 2o2o election. They claim voting discrepancies are undermining voter confidence and the Republican Party will recount affirmation envelopes.

Oh yeah, the Party recounting envelopes will instill confidence in the hearts and minds of voters!

"Party chair Vondene Kopetski said the goal is to put to rest, once and for all, a question raised nearly one year ago by a group of citizens led by Rep. Brad Tschida, R-Missoula. "We need to put this to bed one way or the other," Kopetski said. The recount will mark the first attempt to finally verify, independently, Tschida's claim that he and a group of volunteers uncovered a 4,600-vote discrepancy in Missoula's 2020 election results after conducting a hand-count last January of the affirmation envelopes used to contain mail-in ballots. "  from the: Montana Free Press

Anything beginning to smell funny here? 

Republicans across the country have an aversion to mail-in ballots, and some believe it lies deep in their DNA.  Simply put, when voters have a chance to vote in the comfort of their homes and then mail in their ballots, it means many more people will vote. When many more people vote, many more Democrats will win. At least, that has always been the accepted fact from the Republican Party. Ergo, no more mail-in ballots.

That means Republicans have zeroed in on a drive to eliminate mail-in balloting in Montana and across America. If they can fraudulently prove that mail-in ballots are too easy to become fraudulent, then they can effectively stop a large number of people from voting.

Simple, yes?

This crooked scheme was taught to them at their "master's knee" in 2020. The former president had a million bad ideas and killing mail-in balloting was one of his worst.

Unfortunately, it appears the Missoula Republicans think it's a grand idea and one they will ride until it wins them an election. They apparently have no shame, whatsoever. They openly told the good people of Missoula County that they will bend, fold, and mutilate the mail-in ballots that nearly all Montanans really want. . . until they win.

Don't let them do it!


Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Stevie and Pete: The Doocy Dolts of FOX. . .

I must offer this disclaimer at the top:  I personally do not condone America's President when he refers to a media guy as a "stupid Son of a B***h!"

However, when it comes to a brash young kid named Peter Doocy who hails from FOX"news," it might be a moment when the comment is warranted.  Doocy has been giving Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, absolute fits for nearly a year.  He asks inane questions that have but one purpose: to antagonize her, belittle her purpose behind the podium, and give that FOX "conspiracy theory" slant to a question  aimed at jabbing the Biden administration. It's his way of retribution for the former president's choice in press secretaries and the media railing against their constant untruthfulness.

Peter's daddy, Steve Doocy, has been a long-time anchor on the FOX network's FOX and Friends. He is also out there on the fringe of crazy right-wing politics and obviously raised his son in the FOX vacuum tube. 

The two Doocy guys are in the shadows of the true lying kings Sean Hannity, Carlson Tucker, and Laura Ingraham, but they still find a way to shine for their gullible viewers.  Someday, maybe Doocy II will fib and jab his way to a "commentary desk" of his own. Daddy seems happy to remain on the couch with his two FOX and Friends and jabber away about caustic and untruthful hogwash as they rail on about liberal socialists.

Anyway, when the president lost his cool and evidently forgot he was still on an open mike, I, for one, will not spend much time criticizing his misstep. Peter Doocy is a disgrace to journalism! Would-be journalists who have no more respect for their industry than Pete and his dad will get no respect from me.

Opinion by
John Watson

Monday, January 24, 2022

Montana has been taken over by the "New Vigilantes". . .

Montana's Republican Party of Trump is after our Constitution and they intend to break every rule in the book to get it. 

They will tear it to shreds and write their own. Laws mean nothing to this crowd. The day the governor, his attorney general, and the raucous right-wingers in the state legislature took over our rule of law is the day our rights ended. It became a methodical, sometimes-silent and sometimes very vocal, coup of state government.

Specifically, they want to get rid of freedom of speech, personal privacy, tribal sovereignty, religious freedom, a clean environment, control of public lands, and so much more.

Corporate mentality and right-wing party members' needs will now rule the day. There will be no further mention of equality in anything. There will be changes in how we vote - and who will vote. Despite years of record people voting in Montana with no signs of fraud, this administration and the Republican-controlled  legislative body have found new ways to minimize those numbers. It has always been the case that when more Montanans vote, more Democrats win elections. The Republicans are determined to stop them with unethical voting laws. 

This poorly-assembled excuse for a political party has taken the low road on many things. They skirt around, rewrite, and outright ignore our state laws in order to fulfil their needs. They have become the mirror image of their national party, which took their lead from the former president's unholy and treasonous coup attempt on our country's constitution and national election.

Each state that is being plagued and manhandled by this right-wing cult must find a way to fight back and regain control of their laws. This is our future that must prevail - not the Republican Party of Trump!

Get involved.  Do your part.  Take back your rights.

  An Opinion
 by John Watson

Sunday, January 23, 2022

The Sins of the Man Still Permeate the Hallowed Halls of Congress. . .

 Trump's going-away gift to us: a scorched earth

He's gone, but he left us in a helluva mess! 

He failed to take with him his treasonous Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate. He failed to tell the Republican voters of America who still support him that he has been lying to them for nearly five years. He failed to tell QAnon, the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and all white supremacists that when he told them to "stand down and stand by," he meant to say, "stand down and go home." 

He left a scorched earth that may take a long, long time to "grow back." He instilled his "me first" mantra in the minds of hundreds of thousands of bad dudes who honestly believe they are ready and able to take over our government. They have - at his urging - armed themselves to the teeth and firmly believe our democracy needs to be overturned and no further elections should be won by anyone except themselves.

While the House Committee investigating the Jan. 6th insurrection will get to the bottom of that deadly and failed coup attempt, we must work hard to find a way to show the former president's supporters around the country that they were duped by a pathological liar. The remnants of his misdeeds will be a constant and deadly open wound if we fail to reach them. Our future will be even deadlier if they choose to carry out their next coup attempt!

The scorched landscape in America is not only heartbreaking to Americans, but it is equally so to democracies around the world. We have been a shinning light to many of them and we have now managed to tarnish that image.

All because of one man, his administration, and his complicit party members in our congress. 

The man may be gone, but the Republican Party of Trump is alive and well. . . for now. 

This is no longer a fight between Democrats and Republicans.
This is a fight between right and wrong.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Maybe he's taking a long walk on a short pier. . .

cartoon by Rick McKee,

He (almost) Rode Off Into The Sunset

As the former president takes his last ride in his flaming dumpster, we are left with one overwhelming question:  "What unimaginable horror did he leave behind that we must cope with?"

Actually, he left us a lot. He left us with a horde of democracy-bustin' yahoos who are branded as white supremacists. He also left most Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate with a chip on their shoulders and a belligerent and anti-American swagger in their manners. They're puffed up on themselves and they ain't a-gonna' take no liberal s**t no more!

We are not just at a crossroads, America.  We are on a one-way road with a sign that says, "dead end ahead."

The latest to come out of the Jan. 6th investigation is probably the most damning: There was a draft executive order showing that the weeks between Election Day and the Capitol attack that could have been even more chaotic than they were. It credulously cites conspiracy theories about election fraud in Georgia and Michigan, as well as debunked notions about Dominion voting machines.

The order empowers the defense secretary to "seize, collect, retain, and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records required for retention under "a U.S. law that relates to preservation of election records. It also cites a lawsuit filed in 2017 against Georgie Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Additionally, the draft order would have given the defense secretary 60 days to write an assessment of the 2020 election. That suggests it could have been a gambit to keep Trump in power until at least mid-February of 2021. 

The author of the above draft is, as yet, unknown, but there is much more detailed information coming out daily about the planned coup to overturn the election and take over our government. And, it seems to get worse with each communication.

In short, the former president, his administration, and many members of his party who currently hold offices in our congress are believed to have known about this coup. It is yet unclear just how many were complicit in the actual deeds.

Most of these traitors are still walking the streets, holding congressional offices, and supposedly carrying on with the people's business. Senate votes, however, are an example of how badly they're doing, too. 

Stay tuned - and get involved!


Friday, January 21, 2022

And by our Political Hacks we'll be led. . .

 The current Commissioners of the Montana Land Board are:
Chair: Governor Greg Gianforte
Vice-Chair: State Superintendent Elsie Arntzen
Attorney General Austin Knudsen
Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen
State Auditor Troy Downing

There you have it, folks. These five commissioners of our Land Board in all of their right-wing glory and zero-sum knowledge of what the hell they are supposed to be doing.  

To be fair, most Montana Land Board have been politically appointed. These Board Members, however, have taken their jobs of autocratic politics to new heights.

A recent meeting went something like this: Land Board Chairman Gov. Gianforte, "Those of you who object to the motion have ONE MINUTE to state your objection!" 

Can you imagine trying to state your objection to a Land Board item in sixty seconds?  Also, following each objection should be questions from board members. You know, it might show they care about your objection. But, no, there were no questions and when the final, frustrated objector's time ran out,  the board chairman called for a vote and - of course - the board won!

The board adjourned and scurried off to their next authoritarian-run meeting, while visions of "how smart I am" danced in their heads. I am dumbfounded at how people like these particular board members can make such important decisions on such important matters that come before the Montana Land Board. "Miss Elsie" isn't capable of herding an office full of professionals in the Office of Public Instruction but she can make decisions on matters of Montana lands! And, while AG Knudsen will only entertain help from those folks who are on the Montana Republicans A-List, he is expected to show great impartiality to a Land Board agenda! 

How can we trust these partisan board members to consider important issues. . . like selling off public land to the ultra-rich? They only hold these jobs for personal and political purposes. 

We are doomed, Montana. . . we are doomed!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Baby's Diapers and These Guys Need To Be Changed - And For the Same Reason. . .

 So Long, It's Not Been Good To Know Ya'
Gov. Greg Gianforte, Sen. Steve Daines, Rep. Matt Rosendale

Let's add: OPI Elsie Arntzen, AG Austin Knudsen, 
and Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen 

There is a tsunami of "Blue Voters" welling up in the mountains and across the prairies of Montana and they will not be denied!

It has only been a year and we are already seeing the errors of the "Red Wave of 2020" when these Trumpsters were elected. Montanans were momentarily deceived by the Trump-inspired lies of what they would do for Montana.  We found out - too late - it was what they would do to Montana that has scared the heebie-jeebies out of us!

Gov. Gianforte has put his plan into motion to turn the state over to the rich - mostly the rich from out-of-state! He has taken the chains off the Attorney General law dog, Austin Knudsen, and turned him loose on anyone who isn't a Republican in good standing.

Sen. Daines has been his normal Trumpster self. He sneaks into the state long enough to let his donors get a look at him and throw them a few pieces of red meat to show he's still alive and rubber-stamping everything the GOP wants.  He has nothing but bones for the rest of us, however. 

Rep. Rosendale is, well, complicated. He was- and probably still is - in favor of overturning the 2020 presidential election and giving it to Trump. He has nearly forgotten  where Montana is these days, since he is back in his "home stompin' grounds" next door to Maryland and will only return to Montana at re-election time. He has done absolutely nothing for Montana and it is pretty well known that he never will.  We were a state with a relatively handful of voters who made it an easy election for him to win and send him back to his eastern-thinking roots.

That's about the size of things. We've got to get some "real Montanans" in these offices. And, ones who will work for us instead of the Grand Old Party of Trump! 

Nov. 8, 2022 is not that far away and we have to get our ducks in a row and start beating on doors. We can't let the "red tide" come back again. We need to unseat as many GOP State Legislators, too. Let's clean up the 2022 Montana ballot in November!

We Must Vote Blue In '22!

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Arizona - down the rabbit hole with full-fringed speed. . .

The Arizona Republican Party has gone "full fringe" as they "scamper down the rabbit hole" of insanity!

They are filling up their midterm ballots with a roster of conspiracy theorists and extremists who still believe their lord and would-be-savior, Donald Trump, was cheated out of the win in 2020.

Arizona's Republican politics will serve up a petri dish of infected germs from the Trump playbook of "how to overturn a democracy and learn to love the coup organizers." This petri dish is crawling with QAnon, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and various other infectious critters who want to "rule" the state of Arizona.  This bacteria-laden dish of the unwashed candidates will serve as a test for other states. The former president's credentials are on the line and the voters of Arizona will have the future of their state in their ballot selections.

There are no descriptions too harsh for the types of wack-a-doodles who are marching to the secretary of state's office to sign up for any national, state, county, or city office that has an opening on the ballot! They mean to turn Arizona into a White Supremacy-controlled land of desert sand and cactus-blooming oasis fit for a Trumpster. And there ain't no room for the truth, neither! Major cities in the state had best start building perimeter walls to protect your citizens.

More than 160 full-fringed, rabbit-chasing, Trump-lovin' fools have signed up so far. Arizona peace-lovers are going to need a score pad to keep track of the loonies. If you doubt the term "loony," just listen as they are interviewed by the media.  It will be hard to separate their political acumen from their voters' ability to fill out a ballot without their favorite color crayon.

Bon a 'petite, Arizona. Your petri dish is full to overflowing!

Monday, January 17, 2022

Trying to pass a bill to let people vote. . . Good Gawd!

There is supposed to be a vote tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 18th in the U.S. Senate to see how many will support the Freedom To Vote act.

Out of fifty Democrat Senators, we can count on forty-eight who will vote "aye."  Out of fifty Republican Senators, we can count on fifty who will vote "hell no." And then there are two (Democrat) Senators, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who will probably vote "nay."

The Senate Democrats are a rag-tag clump of loosely-knit specimens who know what's right for America but are unable to arrive at a majority conclusion. 

Everybody's "uncle Joe" Manchin has most of his heart pledged to West Virginia miners but his re-election votes are coming from the rich Republicans who put him in office. To show his loyalty to the Republican ideals, he is quick to point out he drives a Maserati and lives in a $700,000 yacht! That should be worth something.

The "wild and crazy Kyrsten" Sinema from the wilder and crazier Arizona is, well - complicated. She's bi-liberal and bi-sexual. . . not that there's anything wrong with that.  She entered politics as a Green Party candidate, became a Progressive, then settled on being a Democrat. . . maybe. One thing is for sure: she's certainly been a politician long enough to know where she should stand.

And then there's crazy ol' Mitch McConnell who has confiscated the spines of all of his Republicans in the Senate and has promised to give them back as soon as the voting is over.  Ol' Mitch has promised that not one of his goons will vote to give all Americans the right to vote. 

That's where we are, folks.

Sometimes America works and sometimes it looks like a thirty-year-old John Deere manure spreader that is constantly clogging up.

We'll keep our fingers crossed, but there doesn't seem to be much hope that the bill will pass. And if we can't get a bill passed that will assure all Americans the right to vote, well, what the hell can we pass?

Maybe ol' Uncle Joe and Crazy Kyrsten has some ideas.

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Montana's Version of "Clem Kadiddlehopper". . .

Matthew Rosendale Sr., is a politician from the state of Montana. He represents the at-large congressional district in the U.S. House of Representatives, elected in 2020.

He is 61 years old and from Baltimore, Maryland. He was educate at Chesapeake College and was Montana's State Auditor 2017-2021.                                   - Data from Wikipedia

How he was elected to the U.S. House is interesting. It is said the good people of Montana became so tired of him they promised to vote for him if he would promise to "go home and never come back."  They did and he went.

While attending an anti-abortion rally in Helena, Montana recently, a reporter asked him about the charges that were recently filed against the Oath Keepers and their leader, Stewart Rhodes, who spent some time in Montana. Rosendale replied, "Haven't heard about it. It doesn't affect me." However, in 2014, Rosendale spoke at a pro-Second Amendment Oath Keepers rally in Kalispell.

Rosendale was among the House Republicans to vote against certifying the election results from Arizona and Pennsylvania after the January 6 riot. "I will not be intimidated by mob violence from the left. I will oppose certification of electors from certain disputed states," Rosendale said in a statement at the time. He has referred to the Jan. 6th House Investigation as a "partisan witch hunt."

He is deeply rooted in the workings of the Republican Party of Trump and will "do their bidding" in return for their help at re-election time.

Montana need a Montanan in this office.  Rosendale is and always has been an outsider who snuck into our state just long enough to get elected. 

This time, let's tell him to stay where he is and look for a different job.

We'll send a Montanan this time.


Saturday, January 15, 2022

The answer to your questions about the Freedom To Vote act. . .

What the Freedom To Vote Act Accomplishes

  • Makes Election Day a holiday
  • Ends gerrymandering
  • Combats anti-voting laws working their way through state legislatures
  • Requires states to allow 15 days of early voting (including 2 weekends)
  • Massively expands voting access through automatic voter registration and election day registration
  • Increases election security by creating a national standard for voter verified paper ballots
  • Implements a national voter ID standard with reasonable alternatives like utility bills or bank statements
  • Requires voting machines be made in the United States
  • Protects nonpartisan election officials from partisan interference
  • Shines a light on dark money
  • Makes it harder for billionaires and special interests to buy elections
So, why are Republicans opposed to it?

It's why Americans are in favor of it!

This, alone, will SAVE our DEMOCRACY!

Friday, January 14, 2022

Montana. . . high, wide, and under siege!

Once upon a time, a fast-talkin', slow-walkin' bumpkin named Michael Lindell, CEO of MyPillow fame, found his way to Montana and headed straight to the Montana Republican's den of iniquity.

He fancied himself one of the "Master's Disciples" with a message of glad tidings. His master, the former president, was returning from the "dead" and all the Montana GOP had to do to insure his return was to nullify the 2020 election by declaring it was a fraud. Even more astounding was the message that Mikey even had the guaranteed date of his "return." Who could argue with a guy who sparkles with sincerity and hypnotizes folks by swinging his shiny necklace cross in their faces back and forth and back and forth...and back ..and...forth...and...back...and...forth...and...

The Montana GOP jumped into action.

Meetings were set up around the state with key "whiz kids" who could carry out the assignment.  Austin Knudsen, newly elected Attorney General, was salivating at the chance to join the action. Lindell even convinced the Republican state-controlled Legislature bosses to send two GOP nut cases to South Dakota and attend the "MyPillow Guy's Symposium." It will herald the big guy's "return," he says.  So, two travel expenses  at $1,500 each was extracted from Montana taxpayers. They later reported a good time was had by all. 

This began the MTGOP movement into the "Twilight Zone."

The MTGOP decided this would also be nicely set up for an opportunity to toss in some voter suppression bills for naive Montana voters. Have any of you noticed those new voter laws?

This Republican fiasco has been carried out by a comedy of nitwits. And for those of us who closely watch our Montana politics, it is embarrassing and hurtful that these MTGOPers think we are this stupid! 

Fool me once - shame on you.  Fool me twice - shame on me!


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

This is an unbelievable story. . .


We Americans must stop what we're doing for one minute, step outside, and scream to the heavens, "The Republican Party of Trump is destroying our country; I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any longer!"

There have been unbelievable and criminal acts committed by the Republican Party during and since the 2020 Presidential election.  Of that there is no doubt.  Each piece of evidence resides in the safe at the Department of Justice and more comes in every day. There is enough for even the most loyal Republican in America to get unhinged about!

If anyone has half a brain, a radio or television, and an ounce of concern for their democracy, they can find what the Republicans have done and are still trying to do to our election system.

Perhaps the most frightening stunt they seriously tried to pull on our government involves the Electoral vote count in five states (that we know about so far). More states may be added.  Those states are: Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona. In each state, election officials have found forged documents that were signed and notarized listing unauthorized electors and then sent to the congressional archives for opening on Jan. 6, 2021 to be counted!  They were wrongly designating their state was voting for Trump, when in each case, the state electoral votes were to go to Biden. Another strange issue about these five forgeries is notable and is being investigated. Each forgery identical appearances and were worded exactly the same, which implies that they were all done by one central person or office. 

Think about this. The Republicans have done many illegal and undemocratic things since Nov. 3, 2020, and they haven't let up yet. More than 25 states have passed more than 400 voter suppression bills and many have plans to remove state election officials and replace them with someone loyal to their cause. The Republican march on our voting rights is maddening.

What is happening in our country is a wholesale destruction of our entire voting process. And, it is being done right in front of our eyes. These overt acts by the Republican Party are the signs of a desperate and craven group who refuse to lose!

If you care about how your votes are counted - or if you might not even get to vote -  pay attention and get involved! 

"Oh, what tangled webs they weave when first they practice to deceive!"

Commentary by John Watson

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

. . . and dat's da name of dat tune!

This kind of Montana Republican crap should make our blood run cold. . . 

Excerpts from Montana Free Press, Dec. 4, 2021: "Attorney General Austin Knudsen's office met last month with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who spent November lobbying state attorneys general to challenge 2020 election results at the U. S. Supreme Court.

After months of pressing their case with various elected officials in Montana, several people who have raised questions and allegations about the state's 2020 election met last month with Attorney General Austin Knudsen's staff.

Spokesperson Emilee Cantrell told Montana Free Press via email this week that members of Knudsen's staff, whom she did not identify, met Nov. 10 at the AG's office with Sen. Theresa Manzella, R-Stevensville, and an unspecified number of "guests" including MyPillow founder Mike Lindell. MTFP first learned about the meeting from a Facebook video posted by the organization Richland County Republicans. Rep. Bob Phalen, R-Glendive, informed the gathering that Manzella and Lindell had presented Knudsen with information they claim supports their allegations of election fraud in the 2020 Montana election. Phalen mentioned that Douglas Frank, an Ohio mathematician who spoke at a similar symposium in Ravalli County in late September, was also at the meeting." by Montana Free Press

Update by MTFP: Two Montana lawmakers were given taxpayer funds last fall to reimburse their attendance at a three-day "cyber symposium" in South Dakota where the host, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, perpetuated debunked allegations of widespread election fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

The rest of the findings is of little importance. What is important is this: Such a meeting as outlined by the Montana Free Press did take place and statements by those in attendance are factually reported!

The Montana Republicans carried out those ridiculous conspiracy theories that were hatched at the national Republican level. The former president's "trained chimpanzee" Mike Lindell of MyPillow fame was the instigator of the "Big Lie," but the Montana Attorney General and his Party members in the State Legislature were more than willing to run with the lie here in Montana.

Are they saying the GOP "red wave" of winners in 2020 were brought about through fraudulent voting?

From all of this malarkey came the state new legislature's bills to make voting harder here in Montana. Undoubtedly, that was the sole purpose for the scheme.  The 2020 election wasn't the goal as much as spreading fraudulent election lies. It gave them the excuse to  set in place all of the voter suppression bills that have been placed around the country!

Montana - and America - have been duped by a menagerie of Republican thugs and liars who are hell-bent on destroying our democracy! 

And dat, my friends, is da name of dat tune.

For more Montana political truths, read Montana Free Press

Monday, January 10, 2022

All hands on deck, the ship's going down. . .

A Farewell to the Republican Party of Trump

 Blood on their hands and hate in their heart
The nation be damned, they'll tear it apart!
They're neck-deep in trouble and struggling to live.
Their future is shaky, they've nothing to give.

It's all hands on deck, the ship's going down.
Not enough jackets, who's going to drown?
Each man for himself  - it ends with a yell!
The Party's kaput - they'll all go to hell.

They woke up in Hades, soaked to the gills;
No fancy dining and no fancy frills.
democracy haters who fought the bad fight,
now roasting their butts by hell's fire light!

(Not good poetry, but I'll claim it)
John Watson

The Republican Party of Trump is, for all intents and purpose, kaput. They have given it their all, but their all was too small. 

What did they have to offer America? A constitution that they had torn into shreds? A democracy that looks an awful like the autocracy Russia's Putin brags about? An election that isn't really the voice of the voters? An earnings gap between the haves and the have-nots that is wider than the Grand Canyon? A tax system that excuses the rich from paying their fair share? The nation's Legislative and Judicial branches that makes decisions based on corporations and money?

The Republican Party of Trump was designed to lose. It could not see beyond its own selfish wants and its own deplorable hatred of anyone who didn't look like them, think like them, and play like them. They are an assortment of bigots, racists, narcissists, and pathological liars.

America's founders allowed for their kind of treason. They wrote into the constitution the guard rails to keep the traitors on track - or pay the price.

Let's not take our foot off the gas pedal now. We have exposed this crop of would-be coup attackers and we must see it through to the obvious conclusion!

"When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. When you desire a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it."  "We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us." "We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them."

Evidently, the Republican Party of Trump doesn't subscribe to the consequences of anything foreign to their thinking.