Monday, January 10, 2022

"SuperBully" To The Rescue. . .

Montana Attorney General
Austin Knudsen

Yep, I would say he stepped in it. As a matter of fact, he went back and stepped in it more than once! He just can't help himself. Somebody must have told him that being Attorney General means being able to step into law enforcement cases  anywhere he damn pleases.

If a "Republican in good standing" is in trouble somewhere, he puts on his badge, changes into his AG suit somewhere in a dimly-lit phone booth, and flies to someone in GOP distress! He's a living, breathing "SuperBully" for the right-wing downtrodden who is at the mercy of some mean Montana Liberal. Rest easy, Montana GOP - mighty AG "SuperBully" is here!

Faster than a speeding bully, more powerful than a local sheriff, able to leap over small business owners in a single bounce. Look, up in the sky - it's a dodo, it's a blimp, it's a vulture, no. . . it's AG Super Boy! Disguised as a well-mannered attorney general but secretly from another planet, "SuperBully" is covertly turning the Montana laws upside-down and taking control of any crime where a Republican has been wronged. He swoops in and reduces the fine to pocket change and the sentencing to minutes served. And, if the criminal is on the Montana Republican's A-list, the local authorities will be in even bigger trouble!  

This insanity has to stop.  The take-over of our state's legal affairs by the Montana Republican Party of Trump - and the guy pretending to be the attorney general - is outrageous.

How many more times will he "step in it?" 

Some of us will be counting.

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