Baby's Diapers and These Guys Need To Be Changed - And For the Same Reason. . .

 So Long, It's Not Been Good To Know Ya'
Gov. Greg Gianforte, Sen. Steve Daines, Rep. Matt Rosendale

Let's add: OPI Elsie Arntzen, AG Austin Knudsen, 
and Secretary of State Christi Jacobsen 

There is a tsunami of "Blue Voters" welling up in the mountains and across the prairies of Montana and they will not be denied!

It has only been a year and we are already seeing the errors of the "Red Wave of 2020" when these Trumpsters were elected. Montanans were momentarily deceived by the Trump-inspired lies of what they would do for Montana.  We found out - too late - it was what they would do to Montana that has scared the heebie-jeebies out of us!

Gov. Gianforte has put his plan into motion to turn the state over to the rich - mostly the rich from out-of-state! He has taken the chains off the Attorney General law dog, Austin Knudsen, and turned him loose on anyone who isn't a Republican in good standing.

Sen. Daines has been his normal Trumpster self. He sneaks into the state long enough to let his donors get a look at him and throw them a few pieces of red meat to show he's still alive and rubber-stamping everything the GOP wants.  He has nothing but bones for the rest of us, however. 

Rep. Rosendale is, well, complicated. He was- and probably still is - in favor of overturning the 2020 presidential election and giving it to Trump. He has nearly forgotten  where Montana is these days, since he is back in his "home stompin' grounds" next door to Maryland and will only return to Montana at re-election time. He has done absolutely nothing for Montana and it is pretty well known that he never will.  We were a state with a relatively handful of voters who made it an easy election for him to win and send him back to his eastern-thinking roots.

That's about the size of things. We've got to get some "real Montanans" in these offices. And, ones who will work for us instead of the Grand Old Party of Trump! 

Nov. 8, 2022 is not that far away and we have to get our ducks in a row and start beating on doors. We can't let the "red tide" come back again. We need to unseat as many GOP State Legislators, too. Let's clean up the 2022 Montana ballot in November!

We Must Vote Blue In '22!


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