The President and the Piss-Ant. . .

Sean Hannity of Fox "news" is in deep doo-doo.  As everyone is taught, we will be known  by the company we keep, and Hannity has been keeping some pretty low-life company.

And I don't just mean the low-life who are lounging around in the FOX studio, either.

I'm talking about "El Creepo the Magnificent," Donald J. Trump, and his den of thieves. We knew Hannity and Trump were on each other's speed dial and Sean fantasized that he was a trusted advisor to Donnie's crime world, but we didn't know how often - and covertly - they jabbered.

It was announced Tuesday, Jan. 4th that the House Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection has informed Hannity that they have questions for him.  Whether he will give them answers is the bigger question.  The Committee has evidence that Hannity and Trump spoke the day before the attack on our Capitol about "how the plans for 1/6 would work."  There is also evidence they spoke the day of the attack and the days since. That is pretty incriminating stuff!

Hannity must be puffed up like a toad with importance these days. His ego tells him he would much rather be part of the crime than left on the sidelines as an ordinary television "talking head." When he and Trump talk on the phone, the narcissistic slobber must be a sight and sound to behold! Hannity's bloated self-worth has already earned him a ticket on the trainload of traitors!

As for FOX, has anyone tried unplugging them and then plugging them back in?  It's probably an exercise in futility, but there must be something that will get them to start acting like a real news network!

Watch this space as the House investigation proceeds. 

Legal actions to be taken by the DOJ against the "big fish" in Congress are promised, as well. We can only hope!




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