All hands on deck, the ship's going down. . .

A Farewell to the Republican Party of Trump

 Blood on their hands and hate in their heart
The nation be damned, they'll tear it apart!
They're neck-deep in trouble and struggling to live.
Their future is shaky, they've nothing to give.

It's all hands on deck, the ship's going down.
Not enough jackets, who's going to drown?
Each man for himself  - it ends with a yell!
The Party's kaput - they'll all go to hell.

They woke up in Hades, soaked to the gills;
No fancy dining and no fancy frills.
democracy haters who fought the bad fight,
now roasting their butts by hell's fire light!

(Not good poetry, but I'll claim it)
John Watson

The Republican Party of Trump is, for all intents and purpose, kaput. They have given it their all, but their all was too small. 

What did they have to offer America? A constitution that they had torn into shreds? A democracy that looks an awful like the autocracy Russia's Putin brags about? An election that isn't really the voice of the voters? An earnings gap between the haves and the have-nots that is wider than the Grand Canyon? A tax system that excuses the rich from paying their fair share? The nation's Legislative and Judicial branches that makes decisions based on corporations and money?

The Republican Party of Trump was designed to lose. It could not see beyond its own selfish wants and its own deplorable hatred of anyone who didn't look like them, think like them, and play like them. They are an assortment of bigots, racists, narcissists, and pathological liars.

America's founders allowed for their kind of treason. They wrote into the constitution the guard rails to keep the traitors on track - or pay the price.

Let's not take our foot off the gas pedal now. We have exposed this crop of would-be coup attackers and we must see it through to the obvious conclusion!

"When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. When you desire a consequence you had damned well better take the action that would create it."  "We all make choices, but in the end our choices make us." "We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that come with them."

Evidently, the Republican Party of Trump doesn't subscribe to the consequences of anything foreign to their thinking. 




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