Stevie and Pete: The Doocy Dolts of FOX. . .

I must offer this disclaimer at the top:  I personally do not condone America's President when he refers to a media guy as a "stupid Son of a B***h!"

However, when it comes to a brash young kid named Peter Doocy who hails from FOX"news," it might be a moment when the comment is warranted.  Doocy has been giving Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, absolute fits for nearly a year.  He asks inane questions that have but one purpose: to antagonize her, belittle her purpose behind the podium, and give that FOX "conspiracy theory" slant to a question  aimed at jabbing the Biden administration. It's his way of retribution for the former president's choice in press secretaries and the media railing against their constant untruthfulness.

Peter's daddy, Steve Doocy, has been a long-time anchor on the FOX network's FOX and Friends. He is also out there on the fringe of crazy right-wing politics and obviously raised his son in the FOX vacuum tube. 

The two Doocy guys are in the shadows of the true lying kings Sean Hannity, Carlson Tucker, and Laura Ingraham, but they still find a way to shine for their gullible viewers.  Someday, maybe Doocy II will fib and jab his way to a "commentary desk" of his own. Daddy seems happy to remain on the couch with his two FOX and Friends and jabber away about caustic and untruthful hogwash as they rail on about liberal socialists.

Anyway, when the president lost his cool and evidently forgot he was still on an open mike, I, for one, will not spend much time criticizing his misstep. Peter Doocy is a disgrace to journalism! Would-be journalists who have no more respect for their industry than Pete and his dad will get no respect from me.

Opinion by
John Watson


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