Somebody Needs To Start Digging and Find America. . .

An Opinion By
John Watson

Dereliction of Duty

There are enough traitors and saboteurs in our current houses of congress and former president cronies to fill the Reflection Pool in the Washington Mall. And that's just how some folks would like to fill it. However, since it's only about 18 inches deep at the edges and about 30 inches deep in the middle, most of them would unfortunately survive.

Dereliction of duty is a serious charge. Willful or negligent failure to perform assigned duties or performing them in a culpably inefficient manner is something no United States President has ever been charged with committing.

Since the president is also the commander-in-chief, it is presumed he could fall under the punishment handed out to our military personnel.  That would include: loss of all pay and allowances, dishonorable discharge and confinement. In times of war, (such as was going on in Afghanistan during his watch) an individual could receive the death penalty.

Regardless of the punishment that could be considered today, we must consider the act by the president that envisions the very basis for the charge of dereliction of duty.

There is now sufficient proof that the former president sat in front of a television in the White House lunch room just off the Oval Office and watched as the January 6, 2021 insurrection was being carried out without lifting a finger to stop it.  There are also phone records of who he talked to during those three hours and seven minutes. He was continually asked by aides, as well as family members, to stop the deadly attack and he did nothing.  He wanted the thugs to disrupt the Electoral College's voting by congress, and to overturn the win for Biden and give it to him. Miraculously, it failed - but it was frighteningly close to succeeding!

This man, his political cronies, and those members of congress who conspired with him should not be allowed to slither into the weeds without punishment! Otherwise, what do we have a Department of Justice for?  What do we have laws for? What do we have attorneys for? What do we have prisons for?

We must demand justice!


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