This is an unbelievable story. . .


We Americans must stop what we're doing for one minute, step outside, and scream to the heavens, "The Republican Party of Trump is destroying our country; I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it any longer!"

There have been unbelievable and criminal acts committed by the Republican Party during and since the 2020 Presidential election.  Of that there is no doubt.  Each piece of evidence resides in the safe at the Department of Justice and more comes in every day. There is enough for even the most loyal Republican in America to get unhinged about!

If anyone has half a brain, a radio or television, and an ounce of concern for their democracy, they can find what the Republicans have done and are still trying to do to our election system.

Perhaps the most frightening stunt they seriously tried to pull on our government involves the Electoral vote count in five states (that we know about so far). More states may be added.  Those states are: Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, and Arizona. In each state, election officials have found forged documents that were signed and notarized listing unauthorized electors and then sent to the congressional archives for opening on Jan. 6, 2021 to be counted!  They were wrongly designating their state was voting for Trump, when in each case, the state electoral votes were to go to Biden. Another strange issue about these five forgeries is notable and is being investigated. Each forgery identical appearances and were worded exactly the same, which implies that they were all done by one central person or office. 

Think about this. The Republicans have done many illegal and undemocratic things since Nov. 3, 2020, and they haven't let up yet. More than 25 states have passed more than 400 voter suppression bills and many have plans to remove state election officials and replace them with someone loyal to their cause. The Republican march on our voting rights is maddening.

What is happening in our country is a wholesale destruction of our entire voting process. And, it is being done right in front of our eyes. These overt acts by the Republican Party are the signs of a desperate and craven group who refuse to lose!

If you care about how your votes are counted - or if you might not even get to vote -  pay attention and get involved! 

"Oh, what tangled webs they weave when first they practice to deceive!"

Commentary by John Watson


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