Friday, January 28, 2022

The Evil Elephant. . .


First it was a battle of Democrats vs. Republicans. Then it became a battle of Good vs. Evil. Today, Evil has won and there is just an  autocracy. Our democracy died in the early stages of the battle.

The Republican Party of Trump has finally come out of the closet and made their blood-curdling scream that our democracy and constitution are no longer to their liking. They feel hemmed in with the guard rails of how we govern. The Party wants to add a little right-wing sauce into the rules. For example, only certain segments of our population have the right to vote, and they will "audit" any race that they lose. 

Of course, their needs go much beyond who can vote and who will count ballots. State Election Officials who have been on the job for years and who are of another political persuasion are being replaced as we type. Their replacements are loyalists who will do the bidding of the Party and pull whatever strings are necessary to assure their party will always win.

November 8, 2022 is coming fast and the "evil elephants" have a head start.  

Don't let them win!

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