Trying to pass a bill to let people vote. . . Good Gawd!

There is supposed to be a vote tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 18th in the U.S. Senate to see how many will support the Freedom To Vote act.

Out of fifty Democrat Senators, we can count on forty-eight who will vote "aye."  Out of fifty Republican Senators, we can count on fifty who will vote "hell no." And then there are two (Democrat) Senators, Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema who will probably vote "nay."

The Senate Democrats are a rag-tag clump of loosely-knit specimens who know what's right for America but are unable to arrive at a majority conclusion. 

Everybody's "uncle Joe" Manchin has most of his heart pledged to West Virginia miners but his re-election votes are coming from the rich Republicans who put him in office. To show his loyalty to the Republican ideals, he is quick to point out he drives a Maserati and lives in a $700,000 yacht! That should be worth something.

The "wild and crazy Kyrsten" Sinema from the wilder and crazier Arizona is, well - complicated. She's bi-liberal and bi-sexual. . . not that there's anything wrong with that.  She entered politics as a Green Party candidate, became a Progressive, then settled on being a Democrat. . . maybe. One thing is for sure: she's certainly been a politician long enough to know where she should stand.

And then there's crazy ol' Mitch McConnell who has confiscated the spines of all of his Republicans in the Senate and has promised to give them back as soon as the voting is over.  Ol' Mitch has promised that not one of his goons will vote to give all Americans the right to vote. 

That's where we are, folks.

Sometimes America works and sometimes it looks like a thirty-year-old John Deere manure spreader that is constantly clogging up.

We'll keep our fingers crossed, but there doesn't seem to be much hope that the bill will pass. And if we can't get a bill passed that will assure all Americans the right to vote, well, what the hell can we pass?

Maybe ol' Uncle Joe and Crazy Kyrsten has some ideas.


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