$50,000,00 A DAY, AND COUNTING. . .

Cyber Ninja CEO Douglas Logan from Sarasota, Florida was given the job of auditing Arizona's 2020 election by the state's Republican Party. 

Logan had absolutely no formal experience in conducting audits. So, how the charlatan got this gig is anyone's guess, but we can be sure politics played in about 98.8% of the decision. Bad politics, at that.

If this story wasn't so dang funny, it would be an American tragedy. As we watched the "auditors" work their magical powers on national television, it became a real-life, Keystone Kops, laugh-a-minute movie. The "auditors" played their roles perfectly. The only thing missing was FACTS about the voter fraud. It was great for laughs but not one lick of substance!

Meanwhile back in reality, an Arizona judge has ordered the "audit company" to produce records supposedly created from their manipulation of the ballots. They refused and Logan terminated all of the employees.  The judge didn't flinch and has now ordered him to pay $50,000 per day for each day he refuses to hand over the records.

If anyone needs further proof regarding the "stop the steal" horse- pucky, tell them to dig into this story that took place in the wild and crazy Arizona Republican fiasco. It is a perfect example of how the former president bamboozled his sponge-brain followers into believing anything he told them. 

Our nation's biggest problem today is just how much pucky these people really soaked up and weaponized against the truth! The gangs are still roaming the streets and looking for their civil war uniforms.

We seriously doubt that Mr. Logan has enough money to pay for even one day of his court ordered $50,000. He has probably slithered back to Sarasota, Florida with a bus ticket paid for by the Arizona GOP and on orders to "lay low until the heat is gone."

This clown show of an audit was a travesty of justice that took America on a joy ride for months and months. It was, at the time, the center ring of the former president's three-ring circus of clowns. But, it did get the necessary results. . . temporarily.  Today, nearly one out of three Republican voters say they still believe the 2020 election was stolen and are willing to go to war to end our democracy. There is still a question as to whether they really believe the "Big Lie" or they just like to say they do.

Sponge-brains like the Arizona Republicans and Doug Logan have certainly done their part to further this "stop the steal" fiasco.

It's time to round them up and get them in jail. It's where traitors belong!



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