It is now the Missoula County Republican Party of Trump. . .

The Missoula County Republicans are huntin' bear - and election fraud -  in the 2o2o election. They claim voting discrepancies are undermining voter confidence and the Republican Party will recount affirmation envelopes.

Oh yeah, the Party recounting envelopes will instill confidence in the hearts and minds of voters!

"Party chair Vondene Kopetski said the goal is to put to rest, once and for all, a question raised nearly one year ago by a group of citizens led by Rep. Brad Tschida, R-Missoula. "We need to put this to bed one way or the other," Kopetski said. The recount will mark the first attempt to finally verify, independently, Tschida's claim that he and a group of volunteers uncovered a 4,600-vote discrepancy in Missoula's 2020 election results after conducting a hand-count last January of the affirmation envelopes used to contain mail-in ballots. "  from the: Montana Free Press

Anything beginning to smell funny here? 

Republicans across the country have an aversion to mail-in ballots, and some believe it lies deep in their DNA.  Simply put, when voters have a chance to vote in the comfort of their homes and then mail in their ballots, it means many more people will vote. When many more people vote, many more Democrats will win. At least, that has always been the accepted fact from the Republican Party. Ergo, no more mail-in ballots.

That means Republicans have zeroed in on a drive to eliminate mail-in balloting in Montana and across America. If they can fraudulently prove that mail-in ballots are too easy to become fraudulent, then they can effectively stop a large number of people from voting.

Simple, yes?

This crooked scheme was taught to them at their "master's knee" in 2020. The former president had a million bad ideas and killing mail-in balloting was one of his worst.

Unfortunately, it appears the Missoula Republicans think it's a grand idea and one they will ride until it wins them an election. They apparently have no shame, whatsoever. They openly told the good people of Missoula County that they will bend, fold, and mutilate the mail-in ballots that nearly all Montanans really want. . . until they win.

Don't let them do it!



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