Friday, January 28, 2022


Tucker Carlson 
"Imagination Station"

Carlson is the station nitwit of the hour and anchor to all of the lies that are fit to broadcast. He shares witless wisdom with the likes of other crazies such as: Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and the Doocy father-and-idiot-son duo. 

He has been on a rant about the president's off-handed remark aimed at young-and-dumb Peter Doocy.  It was obvious that the president did not know his mike was still on when he heard a walking-away question from young Doocy as all the media was leaving the room. It was a weird question and the president mutter to himself, "What a stupid son-of-a-bitch." 

Unlike the thousands of overtly profane and hurtful things the former president uttered, President Biden did call later and apologize.  The former president would never have considered doing such a thing. He relished in telling the world the media was, "the enemy of the people."  

It is long overdue for someone to pull the plug on the FOX fiasco. It serves on useful purpose to anyone except those who sit in front of their television sets and await the latest lies about life in America. The seriously damaged folks who sit in front of the cameras and show no empathy for how much they are damaging our nation by their anti-democratic lies are to be pities more than hated - and they are seriously hated by nearly seventy percent of America!

If you are not familiar with Mr. Carlson, think about the guy on television who looks into the camera with the look of my dog when he is trying to figure out what I am saying to him. It seems to be his "go to" look and it is a look that you will never likely forget.  I don't know who taught him to use that look, but it was poor advice.  The empty space in his noggin is showing...bigly! 

Just before you write your letter to your cable subscriber to cancel FOX from your line-up, take one last look at ol' Tucker. You'll see what I mean.

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