Montana. . . high, wide, and under siege!

Once upon a time, a fast-talkin', slow-walkin' bumpkin named Michael Lindell, CEO of MyPillow fame, found his way to Montana and headed straight to the Montana Republican's den of iniquity.

He fancied himself one of the "Master's Disciples" with a message of glad tidings. His master, the former president, was returning from the "dead" and all the Montana GOP had to do to insure his return was to nullify the 2020 election by declaring it was a fraud. Even more astounding was the message that Mikey even had the guaranteed date of his "return." Who could argue with a guy who sparkles with sincerity and hypnotizes folks by swinging his shiny necklace cross in their faces back and forth and back and forth...and back ..and...forth...and...back...and...forth...and...

The Montana GOP jumped into action.

Meetings were set up around the state with key "whiz kids" who could carry out the assignment.  Austin Knudsen, newly elected Attorney General, was salivating at the chance to join the action. Lindell even convinced the Republican state-controlled Legislature bosses to send two GOP nut cases to South Dakota and attend the "MyPillow Guy's Symposium." It will herald the big guy's "return," he says.  So, two travel expenses  at $1,500 each was extracted from Montana taxpayers. They later reported a good time was had by all. 

This began the MTGOP movement into the "Twilight Zone."

The MTGOP decided this would also be nicely set up for an opportunity to toss in some voter suppression bills for naive Montana voters. Have any of you noticed those new voter laws?

This Republican fiasco has been carried out by a comedy of nitwits. And for those of us who closely watch our Montana politics, it is embarrassing and hurtful that these MTGOPers think we are this stupid! 

Fool me once - shame on you.  Fool me twice - shame on me!



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