I believe we will be stronger because of this. . .

A Better Day Is Coming

Some years last longer than others. You might say some can last an eternity. And then are some that even seem to stop and take a few steps backwards before they crawl forward again. Such were the days from Jan. 6, 2021 to Jan. 6, 2022.

A man was running for re-election to the office of President of the United States. He was a very unpopular president during his first term, and he lost miserably the second time. He did not take the loss well at all and he informed the world the election as stolen from him. He organized roughly 10,000 White Nationalists, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, QAnons, and others to attack our nation's capitol and cause death and destruction. The goal was to disrupt congress and nullify their confirmation of the Electoral College's results that gave Joe Biden the fair and free election.

More than sixty court cases later, not a single one got more than a foot in the door of a court house. They produced no evidence because there was no evidence of fraudulent voting.

It was simply a case of a candidate who detests losing at anything. His favorite line was, "I hate losers!" Now, he had to look in the mirror and see the biggest loser of all and he went berserk!

According to one White House staffer, the president sat in the dining room just off the Oval Office on Jan. 6, 2021 and watched the insurrection on the Capitol for three hours and seven minutes with "excitement and glee." Those who tried to get him to call it off were astonished that he was enjoying the carnage as it was being carried out on national television - and around the world!

Today, as we pause to honor those many people who were killed and badly injured, we know that this man's hatred for our nation and our democracy has not waned one iota. He is still as evil as the moment he realized he was beaten for the office he so tragically dishonored during the four previous years.

Meanwhile, he sits in his self-appointed exile in Mar-a-Lago in Florida and retains command of the newly-acquired Republican Party. He occasionally grants an audience with select Republican Senators and Representatives and barks out orders to loyalists to challenge disloyal GOP candidates in primary campaigns around the country.

He is the modern-day "Wizard of Oz" in the land of Florida.  He assumes he has the reins of the Party because they are afraid to tell him he does not.

Early this morning, Mountain Standard Time, our current president reach out and yanked open the curtain to reveal just who the "Wizard" really is. He is a charlatan, a liar, a professed destroyer of our democracy, and a loser!  An honest-to-goodness loser!

Tomorrow, the sun will shine a little brighter and America will seem a little safer.  Each day will be better and we will get through this mess.

And the "Wizard" will settle back into his throne in the cordoned off area of the dining room (where it is said diners can view him in all of his elegance) while he dreams of what might have been.

Meanwhile, hopefully we are all a little more cognizant of how fragile our democracy really is. 

We will never know when another bumpkin might come along and steal the hearts and minds of those in the Republican Party.



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