Montana has been taken over by the "New Vigilantes". . .

Montana's Republican Party of Trump is after our Constitution and they intend to break every rule in the book to get it. 

They will tear it to shreds and write their own. Laws mean nothing to this crowd. The day the governor, his attorney general, and the raucous right-wingers in the state legislature took over our rule of law is the day our rights ended. It became a methodical, sometimes-silent and sometimes very vocal, coup of state government.

Specifically, they want to get rid of freedom of speech, personal privacy, tribal sovereignty, religious freedom, a clean environment, control of public lands, and so much more.

Corporate mentality and right-wing party members' needs will now rule the day. There will be no further mention of equality in anything. There will be changes in how we vote - and who will vote. Despite years of record people voting in Montana with no signs of fraud, this administration and the Republican-controlled  legislative body have found new ways to minimize those numbers. It has always been the case that when more Montanans vote, more Democrats win elections. The Republicans are determined to stop them with unethical voting laws. 

This poorly-assembled excuse for a political party has taken the low road on many things. They skirt around, rewrite, and outright ignore our state laws in order to fulfil their needs. They have become the mirror image of their national party, which took their lead from the former president's unholy and treasonous coup attempt on our country's constitution and national election.

Each state that is being plagued and manhandled by this right-wing cult must find a way to fight back and regain control of their laws. This is our future that must prevail - not the Republican Party of Trump!

Get involved.  Do your part.  Take back your rights.

  An Opinion
 by John Watson


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