Call me crazy. . . lots of people do-

 Are They Out There?

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO) and the Extraterrestrials who fly them are becoming a more serious subject within our government. The American military has never commented on the evidence of such news reports in the past. To them it was crazy talk from crazy people. Military and civilian pilots have reported that they were warned to never report them under fear of never flying again. Most reports that have been made by pilots and crew were attained after they retired.

However, within the past few years, the public has been able to view the actual video of military pilots who were able to "lock on" to these mysterious flying objects. This is a big change in how the pentagon now confronts the UFO reports. Evidently, the military and airline companies have had a "change of heart" in how they would react to an UFO reporting.

UFO investigators are reporting that they believe the nation's top military people are ready to make a big announcement. Since 1947, when the famous Roswell UFO crash landing took place, the pentagon set up a commission to investigate UFOs through a publication called "Blue Book."  It was written by supposed military people who made exhaustive examinations of the subject and ultimately considered it a hoax and said their investigations were complete and they closed the commission - permanently! It was later disclosed that the chairman of the commission confessed he went into the project as a total skeptic and refused to change his mind.

In recent years, it has been found that our government lied to us and never really stopped their investigations. . . they only stopped reporting their findings to anyone. It became a top secret, for "certain eyes only" to know.  U.S. Presidents, by the way, were never "read into the investigation results," even though some have reported they asked to know what was going on and were told it was better if they did not know. Of our 46 presidents, 22 of them have stated they saw what they believed to be UFOs.

The evidence that UFOs exist is becoming a hot topic again. It is showing up in the news with more consistency. The reason the military has always given for not discussing it with the American people is because they think they will not be able to handle the shock and they don't know how they will react.

My belief is there is too much evidence of the existence of UFOs to keep it under wraps any longer and the government is aware of that. Too many people with camera devices in their hands are going to start taking stills and videos of things that can't be dismissed.

Where do they come from?  Are they living here?  Think about the floors of our oceans.  We know only about 3% of the deepest parts of our oceans. They could have a base - or bases - and oceanographers say we would never know. I don't have any evidence, but that seems to be the problem with this entire story, doesn't it? Are we actually looking for the truth about all of these millions of "sightings" around the world? Or, have  we only been interested in covering it all up?

Maybe the "big surprise" is about to be revealed by our government.

What do you think?


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