The Sins of the Man Still Permeate the Hallowed Halls of Congress. . .

 Trump's going-away gift to us: a scorched earth

He's gone, but he left us in a helluva mess! 

He failed to take with him his treasonous Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate. He failed to tell the Republican voters of America who still support him that he has been lying to them for nearly five years. He failed to tell QAnon, the Oath Keepers, the Proud Boys, and all white supremacists that when he told them to "stand down and stand by," he meant to say, "stand down and go home." 

He left a scorched earth that may take a long, long time to "grow back." He instilled his "me first" mantra in the minds of hundreds of thousands of bad dudes who honestly believe they are ready and able to take over our government. They have - at his urging - armed themselves to the teeth and firmly believe our democracy needs to be overturned and no further elections should be won by anyone except themselves.

While the House Committee investigating the Jan. 6th insurrection will get to the bottom of that deadly and failed coup attempt, we must work hard to find a way to show the former president's supporters around the country that they were duped by a pathological liar. The remnants of his misdeeds will be a constant and deadly open wound if we fail to reach them. Our future will be even deadlier if they choose to carry out their next coup attempt!

The scorched landscape in America is not only heartbreaking to Americans, but it is equally so to democracies around the world. We have been a shinning light to many of them and we have now managed to tarnish that image.

All because of one man, his administration, and his complicit party members in our congress. 

The man may be gone, but the Republican Party of Trump is alive and well. . . for now. 

This is no longer a fight between Democrats and Republicans.
This is a fight between right and wrong.


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