We have a partisan U.S. Supreme Court and everyone knows it!

 Is the United States Supreme Court Partisan?
Does a Bear Poop in the Woods?

There are six conservatives and three liberals on the U.S. Supreme Court today.  That means vacancies happened during the time a conservative president was in office. 

As they say back on the farm: This ain't rocket science, folks.

Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer has announced he will be retiring soon - probably in June, at the end of the current session. He has said in a recent interview with CNN that the court is getting too political and he was finding it difficult.

Of course they are partisan.  They kneel in the cloak room with no devices to accidentally record any big secrets and proclaim to the heavens that decisions will be made strictly on the merits of the case and without a partisan thought whatsoever to creep into their judicial minds.

Bull pucky.

The justice that has a beer stein placed in front of him on the mahogany bench will tell you, with trembling chin, that he swears on his college fraternity's ring that no political thoughts will ever pass his lips. And no damn liberal will ever make him say any different. 

The newest justice on the bench will always look to the right before making all of her decisions. That means she looks for guidance. . . and approval.

We live in a sad and polarized country. Liberals are liberal and conservatives are conservative - and never the twain shall meet. Our tremendously important third leg of government is as screwed up and out of step with the people as our legislative leg is. Five years ago, the first leg of government - the Executive Branch - was ruled by an authoritarian pathological liar who looked neither left nor right. . . he only looked to himself! 

We are doomed to fail if we cannot get our act together and cut through this bull pucky that we call politics. Neither Party, alone, can solve the problem. It will take the waring tribe that started this nation-dividing cult to lay down its spears and accept the truth.

America is worth saving.

However, America is not worth saving if we must live by the autocracy that the Right demands. Nearly 250 years ago a righteous and enduring blueprint of a democracy was laid out for us. While it was, truthfully, an experiment, it has served us well and we have been a beacon to other countries to follow our freedom and the (promised) equality of our people. There have been big bumps along the way, but we have survived. . . until about five years ago when we lost our way. Hopefully, we see the road signs again.

Now all we have to do is get everyone to agree with the signs. 


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