Maybe he's taking a long walk on a short pier. . .

cartoon by Rick McKee,

He (almost) Rode Off Into The Sunset

As the former president takes his last ride in his flaming dumpster, we are left with one overwhelming question:  "What unimaginable horror did he leave behind that we must cope with?"

Actually, he left us a lot. He left us with a horde of democracy-bustin' yahoos who are branded as white supremacists. He also left most Republicans in the U.S. House and Senate with a chip on their shoulders and a belligerent and anti-American swagger in their manners. They're puffed up on themselves and they ain't a-gonna' take no liberal s**t no more!

We are not just at a crossroads, America.  We are on a one-way road with a sign that says, "dead end ahead."

The latest to come out of the Jan. 6th investigation is probably the most damning: There was a draft executive order showing that the weeks between Election Day and the Capitol attack that could have been even more chaotic than they were. It credulously cites conspiracy theories about election fraud in Georgia and Michigan, as well as debunked notions about Dominion voting machines.

The order empowers the defense secretary to "seize, collect, retain, and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically stored information, and material records required for retention under "a U.S. law that relates to preservation of election records. It also cites a lawsuit filed in 2017 against Georgie Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

Additionally, the draft order would have given the defense secretary 60 days to write an assessment of the 2020 election. That suggests it could have been a gambit to keep Trump in power until at least mid-February of 2021. 

The author of the above draft is, as yet, unknown, but there is much more detailed information coming out daily about the planned coup to overturn the election and take over our government. And, it seems to get worse with each communication.

In short, the former president, his administration, and many members of his party who currently hold offices in our congress are believed to have known about this coup. It is yet unclear just how many were complicit in the actual deeds.

Most of these traitors are still walking the streets, holding congressional offices, and supposedly carrying on with the people's business. Senate votes, however, are an example of how badly they're doing, too. 

Stay tuned - and get involved!



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