Sunday, January 2, 2022

Traitorous Scallywag's. . .

AKA: Marjorie Taylor Greene
Republican U.S. House Member from the embarrassed state of Georgia

America wants to know why she is still a member of Congress.

Is the Republican Party so hard up for political candidates that these miscreants are the best they can find? Or, do these traitors truly define who the Party is today?

"Traitor" Greene has openly asked for a division (a divorce) to be made in America that would nullify Democrats from voting and if they refuse...well, get yer guns ready 'cause we is going to war. She has openly said if a Democrat moves to a "red" state to live, there should be a "cooling off period" when they would not be allowed to vote. She has already been stripped of her committee assignments so there isn't much else they can do to her. . . except throw her butt out of the U. S. House of Representatives!

News Bulletin: Twitter has announced today that they have permanently cancelled Taylor-Greene's account!'

Now the question is: Why can't the U.S. House deal with her and her cronies in the same manner? Is being repulsive in the U.S. House of Representatives more acceptable than being repulsive on Twitter?

"The bat-shit crazy Marjorie Taylor-Greene is calling for a National divorce. They want to divide America." 

"The most popular national Republicans are openly advocating for an end to American democracy. This isn't fringe anymore. This is mainstream Republican thinking, folks"

These were a few comments from folks who are paying attention to the nation's political dilemma and are wondering when we'll see some action taken on these Republican officeholders. Marjorie "Traitor"-Greene" isn't the only one that should be booted out of office.  Others who have been mentioned include: Kevin McCarthy, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Loren Boebert, Louie Gohmert, Mo Brooks, etc.

I will admit that the word traitor is harsh, but if you look up the word in your dictionary you'll see a picture of each one of these folks. They have openly declared their intentions to overturn the free and fair ballots cast by the people of America, they have clearly stated their dislike for our democracy, and they have stood on the side of armed conflict between the divisions they have created in our nation. This is as precise as you can get to the definition of a traitor!

Why is this group still holding offices in our federal government? Why are they allowed to continue debating and casting votes that affect the day-to-day workings of America - the greatest democracy on earth?

When you think about it, it is pure lunacy!

We need to purge these traitorous scallywags from office. . . NOW!


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