The answer to your questions about the Freedom To Vote act. . .

What the Freedom To Vote Act Accomplishes

  • Makes Election Day a holiday
  • Ends gerrymandering
  • Combats anti-voting laws working their way through state legislatures
  • Requires states to allow 15 days of early voting (including 2 weekends)
  • Massively expands voting access through automatic voter registration and election day registration
  • Increases election security by creating a national standard for voter verified paper ballots
  • Implements a national voter ID standard with reasonable alternatives like utility bills or bank statements
  • Requires voting machines be made in the United States
  • Protects nonpartisan election officials from partisan interference
  • Shines a light on dark money
  • Makes it harder for billionaires and special interests to buy elections
So, why are Republicans opposed to it?

It's why Americans are in favor of it!

This, alone, will SAVE our DEMOCRACY!


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