Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Here's Your Coat. . . What's Your Hurry. . .

 Will He Go Quietly Into That Good Night?

After his defeat on November 5, 2024, the Maestro of MAGA will, hopefully, pick up his toys and go home to Mar-A-Lago and whoever is left in his family.

The polls have been teasing him with far-fetched numbers of success, but he probably knew better than anyone that it was never to be. It was implausible that he could be the winner. He had too many warts and too many crimes that were yet to be solved. Maybe he thought he could survive them, but he couldn't. There were too many and too serious for the American people to ignore.

There is still that horrendous problem of the secret government  documents that he absconded from a top-secret, secured location back in Washington D.C. The biggest problem is: why did he take them and for what purpose? Did he intend to sell them?

Also, what has he divulged to our adversaries around the world? Many within his circle believe the information he gleaned from his time in office is of great importance only to his ego. 

We will all breath a little better when he is gone from our view. He has been a center of news for nearly a decade and it is making all of us jittery whenever we simply see his photo on television!

So, go gently and with great haste. Give us all some peace and quiet!

Selling lies by the barrelful . .

 Trump: The Art of the "Steal "
by the World's Greatest Businessman

The six bankruptcies he stumbled through were the result of over-leveraged hotel and casino businesses in Atlantic City and the New York Trump Taj Mahal (1991). Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Castle Hotel and Casino (1992), Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts (2004) and Trump Entertainment Resorts (2009).

He screwed up numerous smaller businesses, also, like the very odd Trump University that was sued and became defunct. In his failures, he once said, "I've used the laws of this country to pare debt. . . we'll have the company and we'll throw it into a chapter. We'll negotiate with the banks, we'll make a fantastic deal. You know, it's like on The Apprentice, it's not personal. It's just business."

On and on. His failures are well known and his "supposedly great deals are undoubtedly still in the midst of trouble." He seems to always find a way - through partly illegal and/or unethical means - to leave others "holding the bag" on questionable deals.

There is no "greatness" to his scandal-ridden way of doing business. He simple finds a way to get a few banks involved and then disappears, leaving workers unpaid, banks unpaid, and a trail of "losers" in his dust!

So, In my book, he is NOT the greatest businessman anyone has ever known. He was just good at selling that malarkey to American Voters by doing what he does best: Selling his famous lies by the barrelful until someone finds out it is just plain ol' bullpucky!

And he's going to try to do it one more time on Nov. 5, 2024.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Tell Me No Lies and I'll Tell You No Truths - from the Book of MAGA

(cartoons by watson)

Truth Was Buried Long Ago By MAGA 

The word was omitted from all of the popular dictionaries belonging to MAGA/Republicans. Therefore, the word was lost to them for many generations. Their present-day political minds had no one to teach them the meaning of the word. It became as foreign to their language as the word "winner." 

They did hold such words as "losers" and "suckers" close to their hearts, however. Their leader-from-the-sky made certain they would remember those words and used them often. The "Sky God" was very dear to them and taught them many things. His wisdom was omnipotent and no one questioned the great "Sky God" Trumpator."

"Truth" was a word that had no verifiable meaning to the MAGA Cult. In their language, there was no truth. Truth was a nasty and ugly slip of the tongue that was only spoken by the liberal vermin in the caverns and swamps of a dark and dank place. Natural selection instilled in the cult of MAGA the ability to deceive others.

Thus, the real truth is that which defines the MAGA/Republican cult as "those who are void of truth!"

Sunday, June 23, 2024

They'll Blow Themselves From Texas to Mar-A-Lago

The Hand Grenade is an explosive weapon typically thrown by hand, but can also refer to a shell that can be shot from the M67 grenade (stun grenade).

As an old Army soldier, I was required to throw live grenades over a brick wall to blow a hole in the ground and scare the hell out of any sand creatures that may be hiding in the Monterey Bay/Fort Ord target area of California. 

The MAGA/Republican Party is doing the same thing, only with tough talk and a grenade full of rally speeches, conspiracy theories, and good old conservatives lies. We'll all be able to watch the whole show on TV, that is if the millions of large posters printed in large font size, promoting the Ten Commandments doesn't get in the way of television cameras.

However, on Nov. 5, 2304, their entire arsenal of grenades and bombs are going to explode into "truth bombs" and expose the ugly facts about their plan to turn America into an authoritarian rule. They have not been shy about leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for us to  see and follow. They are either very sure the plan is so good it can't fail  or they just think we are a bunch of hicks who are easy marks for such screw-ball, nitwit ideas.

Hope you haven't made plans to move to Canada or Norway yet, because there is no way in hell this country will bow down to a Berkeley Pit truckload  full of these yahoos!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Judge and the Jerk. . .

 Judge Cannon and Traitor Trump
There are many crimes that have been commuted in the last 1,263 days since Jan. 6th, but maybe the most egregious in the annals of our law books will be the complete annihilation of our law by one Judge Eileen Cannon of the convoluted state of Florida. If ever there was a total take-over of a person's mind and heart by another human, it would be the former president bending the mind of this judge who gave over her absolute grin and gavel to a depraved human being named Trump!

The judge has abdicated her authority to Donald Trump in organizing how she should handle this case before her. The reason I believe this case is so important is because it involves thousands of secret and top secret documents in boxes he has stolen when he left the White House and hid them in his residence at Mar-a-Lago. When he was originally asked about them, he denied having any. The crime was concluded when the FBI had to prosecute an unannounced raid to get the documents. It was later found the FBI didn't get all of them.

The inexperienced Judge Cannon has not only "slow-walked" the beginning of this trial through unexplainable reasons and stall tactics, but you might say she has simply "sat on it" until after the Nov. 5th election! People have taped conversation between Trump and others at Mar-a-Lago where he actually shows some of these documents.

One very large and important question remains: Why did Trump take them and what does he intend to do with them? Some of the top secret documents would be of great value to our adversaries!

And here we are, letting Judge Cannon stonewall when - or if - we ever see Trump get his just deserts. . . before he sells them to the highest bidders.

This is unprecedent, unconstitutional, and unbelievable!

Another same ol', same ol' ending to a Trump caper where he is allowed to walk away free as a cool Montana breeze!

Total Immunity is Total Balderdash

It's the Insurrection, Stupid

America is tied up in knots and we can't seem to find the exact end to pull to untie it. The question, therefore, is: "When was the exact and defining moment that everything became ugly, snarled and knotted up?"

Does January 6, 2021 sound familiar to you?

That was the geneses of our problem and Donald Trump was the creator. He lost his mind and insisted to his minions that they, together, could overturn the election he had just lost. The ensuing insurrection by storming our Capitol, injuries and death, damage to the building, lives of congressional people threatened, and the ensuing three years, five months, and sixteen days of hell to America have been "a time of infamy!"

That brings us to that moment of insanity.

Donald Trump is insisting that the President of the United States has total immunity and the United States Supreme Court appears to be is sitting on their decision for political reasons in order to stall until after the election of Nov. 5, 2024!

Most conservatives will accept the "stall" as a good thing. All liberals will accept the "stall" as a ludicrous plot that takes our nation further down the rabbit hole of despair.

The idea that a president has total immunity is insane. Those who agree have even said the president could legally order the "Seal Team Six" to kill the president's opponents!

That's where we are, folks. And that's where we'll probably be when we fill out our November Ballots. 

Regardless, whether the supreme court acts with haste or not, we can decide with assurance that the President of the United States does not have total immunity.

We can also decide with assurance that Donald Trump is a criminal of the highest order and he needs to be told that from our highest court. . .  and at every ballot box!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Battered and Bruised, Bloodied and Confused. . .

Can you feel that rumbling under your feet? Listen, you can even hear that low, constant,  plodding of "Jack Boots" as they come closer. It's getting louder and louder. That ungodly stomp, stomp, stomping of feet!

Who is it? Where are they?  

Wait. . . I see something. Over the hill. There must be thousands of them. And they don't look very happy, either. I think they're holding signs. Let's see, that one reads "But, we used to have a supermajority!"

And the horde of MAGA/'publicans looked at the primary election votes and knew they've been snookered by the voters. According to their party officials, the odds of losing is likely. Of course, there is always a chance that someone misread the tea leaves. 

There is also a fact that the supermajority 'publicans got to feeling too big for their britches and messed in their nests. It wouldn't be the first time for the arrogant and high-minded elephant herd. 

We'll watch and wait. 

Maybe they could bring in Steve Bannon from the "War Room" or Donald Trump to spin some lies and conclude with a rally and insurrection on the Montana Capitol Building. 

Wouldn't that be fun?


Thursday, June 20, 2024

 Capitalism at it's Best


Fight of the Century. . .

 Two-Ton Trump (Right) and Battle-hardened Biden (Left)

Toe-to-toe the two of them fought,
Only one of them has ever been caught,
It's not about money or a boxers gold ring,
It's about whether Two-Ton will ever be king.

Biden throws a left hook to the head of Two-Ton. Damn! That won't do. . .  he can't hurt him with head shots!  His head is too damn hard, and besides, there's nothing inside that is lethal enough to hurt him! Biden is now set up for the right cross to that "too many burgers and cokes" mid-section. He'll feel that alright!  Wait, the right cross was a little low. Oh my God. . . the blow was too low and Two-Ton grimaces in pain and drops to his knees.

The referee is in Biden's face. He's waving him to the neutral corner and then rushes over to see how Two-Ton's doing. The ref asks if he can continue. Two-Ton shakes his head "no" and rolls over onto his back likes he's dead.

Biden yells at the ref and tells him "the liar is faking it, ref! He isn't hurt. . . yet.  "That was no low blow! Let me get back at him!"

Two-Ton suddenly jumps up and starts dancing around the ring. "I'm through, ref," Two-Ton yells!  "I want to take this to Thomas and Alito in the High Court. It was definitely a low blow and I won on a dirty low blow! We'll see what they think." Biden ain't gonna win this on another technicality! 

Biden yells at Two-Ton, "Alito and Thomas wouldn't know a low blow from a low-down rigged election ballot!"

And now we learn how this fight is going to end. Yup, how most of Two-Ton's fights end.

Better luck next time, Biden. Two-Ton has the "weight" of the court on his side this time.

The Evil Forces Are Gathering. . .

Roger Stone 
A Man With an Evil Plan

Roger Stone's Insidious Plan to "win" the 2024 election for Trump was caught on tape. His confidence in getting the job done is pure "Roger Stone" and the corrupt thinking of this looney was on full display in the secret taping. He says they will "use attorneys, judges, and technology" to get it done.

Stone, the man who was Richard Nixon's biggest fan, has a gigantic tattoo of Nixon that covers his entire back. He believes the only way to guarantee a political win for Trump is to cheat like hell - to the point of breaking all of the rules of our laws.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this plan is this:  Last week, all of Trump's corrupt brethren were positive he was going to win. So, why the devious plan?  

Stone is right down there is the slimly swamp with the likes of Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn, just to name a few. If Stone is telling the truth, he and the cluster of all of Trump's corrupt traitors will be back in business, trying to steal another election.

Are we getting that sick feeling in the pit of our stomach again? They won't win, but their corruption on top of corruption sure gets tedious!


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Those poor little guys. . .


It appears that the red tide that drenched Montana during the last election is turning a pale pink at the legislative level.  In that session, Republicans landed a two-thirds-plus supermajority, cutting into much of the Democrat's power in Montana by occupying 102 of 150 seats between Montana's House and Senate.

After the primary election this month, the Republicans are shocked and saddened at the scene of what the legislature will look like. They may lose their supermajority, according to multiple Republican and Democrat know-it-alls who say they know.

That should change how key issues, such as property taxes, may do an about-face in the legislature. 

It never pays to have the whole goody bag fall into your lap and then preach to the world what a great guy you are. 

I'm not forecasting anything here, but I am telling you that, for some reason, the Republicans (and Democrats) seem to be reading the tea leaves and primary election numbers and sitting there with a sour look on their faces.

Of course, some look like that all of the time.

Let's just hope it all turns out that way!

Total Control on their Minds - Blood on their Hands

Bump Stock Blood On Their Hands

The MAGA/Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court has lifted the ban on bump stocks and they will have blood on their  hands when the next mass killing happens and it was done with a Bump Stock rapid fire machine. In 2017 in Las Vegas, a mass killer fired more than 1000 bullets  in eleven minutes with the help of a bump stock, killing 58 people and wounding more than 850 among the crowd of 22,000.

The majority of MAGA/Republicans throughout the two houses of congress were in favor of the decision by the high court because they fully support the second amendment. It's that simple. 

Next to reversing Roe v. Wade, this is the most dangerous thing this court has done.  Whatever the MAGA in Congress can't control, they have the MAGA in the high court to handle it for them. And, if their MAGA leader is chosen to move into the Oval Office, they will have the trifecta of our government's top three to run the nation!

Maybe some of you can't - or won't - see that. But, if it happens, you will most certainly feel it!

November 5, 2024 is coming soon - 139 DAYS TO GO!


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Neanderthal Nonsense

 Abortion Rights are on the Montana Ballot in November

The Neanderthal Party is trying to forget it was their brilliant idea that started it. Maybe if it just goes away, no one will remember that. Nationally, we are being told Abortion Rights will be a big deal across the country and could spell doom for many candidates in the "Woman Hatin' Party" of MAGA/Republicans.

Neanderthals came on like gangbusters earlier in this session of the Montana Legislature. They filled up a lot of seats and they claimed a strong  supermajority. The celebration carried on and on. They pulled out all of the stops and tried to nail down every GOP evil deed in their wish list. 

But, I believe they let their big and noisy alligator mouths overrun their hummingbird hind ends and. . . well, I  believe the word is "overreached"  their capacity to govern. 

We'll see what happens in November. We should all understand, however, that women's rights are something that should be near the top of the list of things this nation needs to straighten out. There have been years of abuse - and nearly all are from the Neanderthals!


Monday, June 17, 2024

You maniacs blew it to hell!

In the original 1968 Planet of the Apes, astronaut Colonel Taylor (Charles Heston) says, "You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Goddamn you all to hell" before slamming his fists into the sand. 

I like to think he was speaking to today's MAGA/Republicans. His rage was from seeing the Statue of Liberty lying in the Atlantic Ocean, broken and off its platform. The symbol of America's greatness and a welcome to those coming to America's land of freedom!

Trump and his legion of MAGA sycophants, who spelled out in no uncertain terms what they were going to do to America, appears to have finally succeeded! The final piece of their wretched work was finished. They are now ready to build their authoritarian piece of land between Canada and Mexico and between the Pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean. Their autocracy-building ideas begin!

It was the only way the Republican Party could save itself from intinction.  Their evil ways were counter-productive to living in a free democracy. They needed to change everything that did not meet with the approval of the MAGA masses. All people were jettisoned who were in opposition to the Party.  

Is this what we have to look forward to with Donald J. Trump? Is this what he and his "flying monkeys" are forecast to do? 

"Goddamn you all to hell, MAGA!"

Sunday, June 16, 2024

How in the heck did this happen?

A Traitor To His Country

Consider the questions on everyone's mind today: Why has the once-great Republican Party lost its pride and direction? Also, why have they succumbed to a charlatan's lies and promises? 

In short, how did the Republican Party become the party of Trump? That question has led many Republicans to become former Republicans. It's also the question that motivated the new  book "Insurgency: How Republicans Lost Their Party And Got Everything they Ever Wanted." The book was written by Jeremy Peters, who is a correspondent for The New York Times.

Republicans who had opposed Donald J. Trump and said they would never vote for him, came along in the end. And that's because Trump very strategically cut deals with his most important constituency - the religious right, the social conservatives, and those who hold the billions and billions and are anxious to spend it on issues favorable to the affluent in America. They each got basically everything that they wanted. The Supreme Court now has three Trump nominees who have struck down Roe v. Wade.

And that's just the beginning. Trump has dropped critically important phrases to the media's dissemination that is extremely worrisome to so many Americans. Phrases such as: dump our democracy, authoritarian rule, cut Social Security and Medicare, and eliminate the FBI and the Rule of Law!

We need to be tuned-in to the devious working of the religious right and the social conservatives. There is so much more damage they can do. This is a fight we just can't afford to lose!

More to come. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

We've created our own "bribery coast" of gold-lined streets and dark alleys. . .

The House and Senate Hard At Work

Who Has More "Pull" Than Big Business?

The Billionaires and Millionaires rule this place called America and they rule with an iron hand. One truth, however, is that they didn't take the job by force. The gullible, the conniving, the deal-makers, the political pariahs, and the scoundrels gave it to them in return for money and power.  

To a politician, a craving for power is everything and the money will always follow along. 

Today, however, the art of bribery is a bold lesson the new politicians learn all too quickly - and all too well.  Moral rectitude is something they must bring with them because they they will have trouble finding anyone to teach the art to them. That is not to say congress is an immoral den of iniquity, but it does have its share of  questionable sinners of an inordinate amount of easily accessible money and power. 

If we could eliminate all bribes that are easily offered by men of extreme wealth, we would have a well-run legislature that would work for the people - and not just for the affluent. I am pretty sure that rarely does a bill get approved before money or favors change hands.

If I were honored to win an election, my first fight would be to eliminate bribes and scoundrels who benefit from them. I am told, however, that bill-passing would grind to a halt without bribes because lobbyists have sold them on the idea that politicians don't have the time to "read all of that stuff!"

Lobbyists would be my second list of scoundrels to fight.

It is all like a den filled with wild, unfed tigers, and far too few politicians want to keep their political future intact. 

What we fought against in Europe is now here in America. . .

The Court v. The Country

The U.S. Supreme Court is following in the footsteps of their brothers and sisters in the U.S. House of Representatives. Once a majority is reached, it's time for all MAGA hands to get on deck and then, my God,  "Katy bar the door!" There's going to be an all-out frontal attack on federal agencies and their officials, left-leaning vermin, and others they don't particularly care for!  

The far-right MAGA are running scared. Several of the Party's officials have let it be known that unless they cheat, they will never win another election. Considering their intent to destroy our Rule of Law, our Constitution, and our democracy -  they are probably right. 

If they were brave enough to write down a platform, they would let the whole country know what they're up to these days, but the idea of a platform is not something they've done in years. They are smart enough to know that to put forth their ideas in a platform would definitely not be something for public consumption!

The Supreme Court was their last battlefield to win and they finally seem to have solved that problem . . . for now.

When you hear liberals say this election may be the most important we'll ever have is not just idle talk.  The truth is, this might be the last election we'll ever have if the MAGA people get their way on Nov. 5, 2024.

There just aren't many elections in an authoritarian rule.


Friday, June 14, 2024

He's naked as a jay -bird, people!

Do you see Trump with a flowing white robe with scarlet red dots, stockings of golden splendor, a scepter with rubies, gold, and opals imbedded in the top, and a crown on his head of the most exquisite jewels in the land?

Or, do you see him as naked as a fat-and-squatty-all-belly-and-no-body jay bird like most of us do ? He has no clothes on, people! Why can't his base see that? 

It was reported today that 42% of all Republicans see no wrong whatsoever in the personage of Donald Trump. Ninety-one charges, thirty-four guilty verdicts so far, he was charged with raping a lady in a department store dressing room, convicted of income tax charges, stealing top secret documents from the government, tampering with elections, and inciting an insurrection on our Capitol in an attempt to overturn our presidential election!  But, they are still absolutely, positively, unequivocally, certain they will vote for him  on Nov. 5, 2024, even if he is shot dead this evening while munching on a cheeseburger and a couple of soft drinks. 

There is no answer for this. These Trump supporters are crazy as loons . . . crazier, even, than Trump, himself!

The forty-two-percenters have been drinking something that the Democrats would like to find. It must be either powerful stuff that pickled what's left of their brains, or Trump has scared the bejeezes out of them.

This is going to be one hell-of-an election, folks! I hope you are all going to participate!

Now what are they up to?


Justice Clarence Thomas is getting his pound of Revenge
for all of the mean things that have been said about him.
It seems like it's fair to him if he wins something we will all lose at.

This latest game of revenge was stirred up when an issue of "once-illegal bump stocks" suddenly came to light on the Supreme Court docket. Convenient, huh?

The issue:  A cheap "bump stock" easily added to a gun can allow the shooter to fire NINETY bullets in TEN SECONDS! It quickly becomes a gangster-style Tommy Gun of the "Pretty Boy Floyd" era!

Of course, hunters and target shooters will now be able to do what they've long wanted:  Shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds at an innocent deer, antelope, elk, or a helpless target on the range.  

Literally every American knows this is bullpucky talk from the NRA, the gun manufacturers, the Republican/MAGA Second Amendment fighters, and now the conservatives who wear the long black robes on the Supreme Court. 

Whenever they get their feelings hurt because their secrets of accepting bribes hit the press, they counter with some crazy ruling they know will drive the "lefties" wild!

This is how the last vestiges of hope for law and order has turned out.  The U.S. Supreme Court was once the "court of last resort" for America. In recent  months, however, the far- right members of the highest court in the land are now the lowest

The Republican/MAGA movement in America has finally taken over the high court and is shutting down any punishment that should have been levied against them. 

They now have free reign to do as they wish - and anyone who disagrees will suffer the eternal wrath of the THOMAS/ALITO "RIGHT"  REVENGERS! 

Never mind the thousands  of innocent men, women, and children who will be killed by the "Pretty Boy Floyds" of today! It couldn't have been the "high court's" fault. . . could it?

Stay tuned. . . unfortunately there is always more to come!

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Keep Your Spirits Up and Your Musket Powder Dry. . .

What Are They Up To Today?

About half-way up a mountain just south of Helena, sits an old man in his modest office. He is waiting for an inspirational thought about the screwed-up world we live. If he turns on the television, he'll always find something to get his juices flowing. There seems to be a crisis every two or three hours somewhere in the world.  Usually, it's right here in good old GOPville, America, too.

The MAGA/Republican Cult has busted loose of the mundane lifestyle of plain ol' black tie and tux dinners with the Jones and have now jumped into the gutter with all four feet. They have learned to cuss, spit, and lie with the best of 'em. They'll even crash the neighbor's hot tub party with not a stitch of clothes on their sickly white little bodies!

They hold daily meeting with each other as they update their plans to commandeer our nation's democracy, rule of law, and constitution. Their goal is to eradicate the cruel overlords of America - the vicious vermin known as the "left." 

The new breed of Republicans - known now as MAGA - have moved further to the Right and have added strychnine to their arsenal of political warfare. They gave a heavy dose to the women of the nation as they have nearly banned any and all abortions. This, of course, will also take a good deal of healthcare from women!  

The free and fair elections are in big jeopardy and unbiased Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are as rare as dinosaurs. Anything that had a glimmer of impartiality is caput. The lengths to which this new, irrational, and unhinged cult of MAGA maniacs will go to are impossible to believe in today's America!

But, the old man from the mountainside will keep looking for the sunshine. . . somewhere. As long as there is a ballot box, there is a hope!

Stay tuned, and stay safe. The election is only 145 days away!

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

It's a great life. . . if you're one of the crazies

I keep staring at that face and trying to understand what he knows that we don't. Why is he known to be so damn butt-faced mean and yet he is still the happiest center-ring clown in the circus?

There is one thing we must remember, though. When he's gone, he's gone. and then we'll have to figure out what to do with the last vestiges of his screaming nincompoops he affectionately calls his "base."

They are still the ones I worry about the most. Trump knows what he is doing. His "base" of assorted hangers-on, cult members, and a several members of rag-tag groups such as Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and QAnons only know what Trump tells them to know. They will still all be here long after the center ring clown is six-feet under. And they'll be looking for another cultist to feed their red-hot fire of discontent and hostility. 

They need that stream of lies about what they think they really deserve coming from "their grandpa of tall tales." We can only guess who will fill those shoes.

I'm betting it'll be House Speaker Mikey Johnson. He has been swooning  over the center-ring clown for months!

Hold your friends close. . . and your ballot closer!

Are we being programmed to self-destruct?

There is one among us who represents all that is unholy in the nation. He is the self-designated destroyer of our nation, our democracy, our constitution and our rule of law. 

He had diagramed an insurrection on our capitol, he had attempted to over-turn our presidential election, he has summoned the terrorists of evil to rain havoc on any who disagree with him, and he has brought a promised plague of hell to all who will fight against him. 

He wants us to believe the liberal press, the justice department, the rule of law, and various district attorneys around the country are out to "get him."

But, none of those he blames were loading those boxes of secret documents he stole from our government, none of them were filling out papers to cheat on his taxes, none of them were in the bedroom when he had the affair with a porn star, none of them were in the room when he called Atlanta, Georgia and told them to find more votes so he could win the state's electoral college count, none of them incited the rioters to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6th, no one else refused to make the call to get more help for the police officers that day, and none of them were in the room  when he had private phone calls with Republican officials in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan about getting fake electors set up. 

This man was acting as a dictator, an authoritarian emperor, and a mob boss straight out of the days of Al Capone!

Any other day and in any other country, this man would be found guilty and sentenced to life in prison - or worse.

And yet, to this man, our rule of law is supposed to accept him as someone above the rule of law.

We brought him into this office. . . and we can damn sure take him out of it, too!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Was Jan. 6th just another day of infamy in the neighborhood?

Lest We Forget Who Is Responsible

President of the United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt, spoke to a joint session of Congress on December 8, 1941. He said, "yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date that will live in infamy. . ." and with that began our war with Japan.

On January 6, 2021 - "another date that will also  live in infamy. . ." began our war with the Republican/MAGA  Party of America. Then-President of the United States of America Donald Trump gave no such FDR-type speech.  The reason is because he was in the White House dining room,  upset with Vice President Pence because he refused to overturn the presidential  election results and give the presidency to him. Instead, Trump went into a temper-tantrum as he threw bottles of catsup at the wall.  

That "day of infamy" is still with us. It is a wound that refuses to heal because there has been no remorse from any of the leadership of the guilty party. In fact, they have refused to admit any wrong and have been very busy racking in millions of dollars from their insurrection dollars for their own re-election bids.

It was a black-letter day in our history. It is not over, nor is it likely to ever be over, until the guilty are brought to justice. They are all well-known and many are  running for re-election . . . 

. . . even Donald J. Trump, the guiltiest of all!

America - we are the most gullible of all God's creatures!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Let's Hear It For The GIFTER!

Clarence and the Billionaires
Having a Cash For Clarence Picnic
To Help  Him Through the Lean Times

You'll notice they are getting a blessing from above, first!

If something isn't done about the ethics of the United States Supreme Court now, it will never get done. While the Justices all insist they are capable of handling their individual ethics concerns, they seem to have a big problem understanding what Americans' ethics concerns are. 

When we lose control of these twelve people and the oath they took, we have just about lost the ball game. When we accept the politically biased executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, we are no longer a democracy, , , we are -  as of now - a clearing house for the Republican/MAGA Political Party!

The billionaire donors of the far-right Justices are calling the shots on behalf of 330 million Americans! 

And that, my friends, is probably how the women of America lost the last vestiges of their  health care and their abortion rights!

If we do nothing, we have no one else to blame.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

It's Time For OUR RETRIBUTION, isn't it?

The Maestro says "Retribution!"

There are those who seek retribution as an offensive maneuver when they fear their opponents are gaining the upper hand. It is mostly an act of deception to confuse the true problem - and the participants - as well.

Consider Donald Trump and his MAGA congressional  lieutenants. They have found themselves between a rock and a hard place. When the Republican/MAGA terrorists tried to rig the 2020 electoral college votes for president - and got caught. It led to total chaos and a frightening insurrection on our Capitol. Fake electors were to move in and place their fake ballots in key states that would give Trump the win. The fake ballots were caught and ignored by Vice President Pence.

Since that Jan. 6, 2021 "day of infamy," the MAGA cult has shown our nation no mercy. Like thieves in the night, they were seen as enemies of America and they decided their best defense was a good offense, and proclaimed "RETRIBUTION!" They were guided by the man who insisted he lost the presidency  through criminal means. 

Today, that man - Donald Trump - has risen to unbelievable heights in the polls as the MAGA candidate for the Oval Office. His supporters are "zombies" who are dead from the neck up. "Retribution: is the word of the hour. Trump is quick to tell all of us what to expect when he wins. He will arrest all  of his current "opposition" and throw them in jail. He will write a new "organization chart" to eliminate such offices that pertain to anything involving "Rule of Law" and "FBI." He will place the Department of Justice under his Executive Branch of Government.

On and on. . . he will tailor his new authoritarian government to suit his own desires.  Could he be successful? Authorities on  the subject say "yes." 

The only way he would not succeed is if "we voters" said "NO" to him as a candidate!

But remember, the final decision is always up to us, the voters!

And that will be our "Retribution."

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Right-Wing Justices. . . "Come on Down". . . The Price Is Right!

 Republicans Who Refuse To Lose

Some call it seeking vengeance. Some call it deadly Retribution. And some just call it outright war. But, whatever it is, it's evil!

Former President Trump brought the  act of refusing to lose to an art form. He took it all the way to an all-out assault on our Capitol Jan. 6, 2021 where the lives of many legislators, law enforcement officers, and innocent American bystanders were threatened, harmed and killed - all to change the outcome of the presidential election. That began the vengeance of Trump and the Republican/MAGA Party when they lost the White House, and it continues even today!

The retribution of that presidential loss has spawned a ripple effect through the U.S. House and Senate. Congressional members of the MAGA Cult have been unyielding in their fight to "right the wrong" that was taken from them. Their fearless leader, Donald Trump, has told the MAGA Cult he will be their retribution!

Since then, we have witnessed vengeance across the country - especially in the battleground red states. It is setting up a very dangerous general election on Nov. 5, 2024.

Recently, a new threat has been thrown into the cogs of justice and it may be the most serious of all. We are finding that some members os the United States Supreme Curt has strayed from their "so called code of ethics" and millions of dollars in luxury "gifts" have been pocketed by right-wing Court Justices in exchange for votes for right-wing mega-billionaires' issues!  The question we must ask now is: What kind of votes did they buy?  Was Roe v. Wade one of them?  The right-wing Justices were involved in raking in millions of dollars, but we may never know what decisions were involved in the bribes! Justices Thomas and Alito are two of the Justices mentioned - thus far.

The hard right assault on our government is heating up and scaring the dickens out of us - and we have a right to be, too.

It seems we are, at this moment, in a mostly-bloodless Civil War II, but it should still scare the dickens out of all of us because the powder kegs are primed and "standing back and standing by!"

The Republican/MAGA Cult is our "new domestic enemy" and they're after complete control of our government!