Are we being programmed to self-destruct?

There is one among us who represents all that is unholy in the nation. He is the self-designated destroyer of our nation, our democracy, our constitution and our rule of law. 

He had diagramed an insurrection on our capitol, he had attempted to over-turn our presidential election, he has summoned the terrorists of evil to rain havoc on any who disagree with him, and he has brought a promised plague of hell to all who will fight against him. 

He wants us to believe the liberal press, the justice department, the rule of law, and various district attorneys around the country are out to "get him."

But, none of those he blames were loading those boxes of secret documents he stole from our government, none of them were filling out papers to cheat on his taxes, none of them were in the bedroom when he had the affair with a porn star, none of them were in the room when he called Atlanta, Georgia and told them to find more votes so he could win the state's electoral college count, none of them incited the rioters to storm the Capitol on Jan. 6th, no one else refused to make the call to get more help for the police officers that day, and none of them were in the room  when he had private phone calls with Republican officials in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan about getting fake electors set up. 

This man was acting as a dictator, an authoritarian emperor, and a mob boss straight out of the days of Al Capone!

Any other day and in any other country, this man would be found guilty and sentenced to life in prison - or worse.

And yet, to this man, our rule of law is supposed to accept him as someone above the rule of law.

We brought him into this office. . . and we can damn sure take him out of it, too!


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