Monday, June 17, 2024

You maniacs blew it to hell!

In the original 1968 Planet of the Apes, astronaut Colonel Taylor (Charles Heston) says, "You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Goddamn you all to hell" before slamming his fists into the sand. 

I like to think he was speaking to today's MAGA/Republicans. His rage was from seeing the Statue of Liberty lying in the Atlantic Ocean, broken and off its platform. The symbol of America's greatness and a welcome to those coming to America's land of freedom!

Trump and his legion of MAGA sycophants, who spelled out in no uncertain terms what they were going to do to America, appears to have finally succeeded! The final piece of their wretched work was finished. They are now ready to build their authoritarian piece of land between Canada and Mexico and between the Pacific ocean and Atlantic ocean. Their autocracy-building ideas begin!

It was the only way the Republican Party could save itself from intinction.  Their evil ways were counter-productive to living in a free democracy. They needed to change everything that did not meet with the approval of the MAGA masses. All people were jettisoned who were in opposition to the Party.  

Is this what we have to look forward to with Donald J. Trump? Is this what he and his "flying monkeys" are forecast to do? 

"Goddamn you all to hell, MAGA!"

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