How in the heck did this happen?

A Traitor To His Country

Consider the questions on everyone's mind today: Why has the once-great Republican Party lost its pride and direction? Also, why have they succumbed to a charlatan's lies and promises? 

In short, how did the Republican Party become the party of Trump? That question has led many Republicans to become former Republicans. It's also the question that motivated the new  book "Insurgency: How Republicans Lost Their Party And Got Everything they Ever Wanted." The book was written by Jeremy Peters, who is a correspondent for The New York Times.

Republicans who had opposed Donald J. Trump and said they would never vote for him, came along in the end. And that's because Trump very strategically cut deals with his most important constituency - the religious right, the social conservatives, and those who hold the billions and billions and are anxious to spend it on issues favorable to the affluent in America. They each got basically everything that they wanted. The Supreme Court now has three Trump nominees who have struck down Roe v. Wade.

And that's just the beginning. Trump has dropped critically important phrases to the media's dissemination that is extremely worrisome to so many Americans. Phrases such as: dump our democracy, authoritarian rule, cut Social Security and Medicare, and eliminate the FBI and the Rule of Law!

We need to be tuned-in to the devious working of the religious right and the social conservatives. There is so much more damage they can do. This is a fight we just can't afford to lose!

More to come. 


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