Thursday, June 13, 2024

Keep Your Spirits Up and Your Musket Powder Dry. . .

What Are They Up To Today?

About half-way up a mountain just south of Helena, sits an old man in his modest office. He is waiting for an inspirational thought about the screwed-up world we live. If he turns on the television, he'll always find something to get his juices flowing. There seems to be a crisis every two or three hours somewhere in the world.  Usually, it's right here in good old GOPville, America, too.

The MAGA/Republican Cult has busted loose of the mundane lifestyle of plain ol' black tie and tux dinners with the Jones and have now jumped into the gutter with all four feet. They have learned to cuss, spit, and lie with the best of 'em. They'll even crash the neighbor's hot tub party with not a stitch of clothes on their sickly white little bodies!

They hold daily meeting with each other as they update their plans to commandeer our nation's democracy, rule of law, and constitution. Their goal is to eradicate the cruel overlords of America - the vicious vermin known as the "left." 

The new breed of Republicans - known now as MAGA - have moved further to the Right and have added strychnine to their arsenal of political warfare. They gave a heavy dose to the women of the nation as they have nearly banned any and all abortions. This, of course, will also take a good deal of healthcare from women!  

The free and fair elections are in big jeopardy and unbiased Justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are as rare as dinosaurs. Anything that had a glimmer of impartiality is caput. The lengths to which this new, irrational, and unhinged cult of MAGA maniacs will go to are impossible to believe in today's America!

But, the old man from the mountainside will keep looking for the sunshine. . . somewhere. As long as there is a ballot box, there is a hope!

Stay tuned, and stay safe. The election is only 145 days away!

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