Saturday, June 15, 2024

We've created our own "bribery coast" of gold-lined streets and dark alleys. . .

The House and Senate Hard At Work

Who Has More "Pull" Than Big Business?

The Billionaires and Millionaires rule this place called America and they rule with an iron hand. One truth, however, is that they didn't take the job by force. The gullible, the conniving, the deal-makers, the political pariahs, and the scoundrels gave it to them in return for money and power.  

To a politician, a craving for power is everything and the money will always follow along. 

Today, however, the art of bribery is a bold lesson the new politicians learn all too quickly - and all too well.  Moral rectitude is something they must bring with them because they they will have trouble finding anyone to teach the art to them. That is not to say congress is an immoral den of iniquity, but it does have its share of  questionable sinners of an inordinate amount of easily accessible money and power. 

If we could eliminate all bribes that are easily offered by men of extreme wealth, we would have a well-run legislature that would work for the people - and not just for the affluent. I am pretty sure that rarely does a bill get approved before money or favors change hands.

If I were honored to win an election, my first fight would be to eliminate bribes and scoundrels who benefit from them. I am told, however, that bill-passing would grind to a halt without bribes because lobbyists have sold them on the idea that politicians don't have the time to "read all of that stuff!"

Lobbyists would be my second list of scoundrels to fight.

It is all like a den filled with wild, unfed tigers, and far too few politicians want to keep their political future intact. 

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