It's a great life. . . if you're one of the crazies

I keep staring at that face and trying to understand what he knows that we don't. Why is he known to be so damn butt-faced mean and yet he is still the happiest center-ring clown in the circus?

There is one thing we must remember, though. When he's gone, he's gone. and then we'll have to figure out what to do with the last vestiges of his screaming nincompoops he affectionately calls his "base."

They are still the ones I worry about the most. Trump knows what he is doing. His "base" of assorted hangers-on, cult members, and a several members of rag-tag groups such as Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, and QAnons only know what Trump tells them to know. They will still all be here long after the center ring clown is six-feet under. And they'll be looking for another cultist to feed their red-hot fire of discontent and hostility. 

They need that stream of lies about what they think they really deserve coming from "their grandpa of tall tales." We can only guess who will fill those shoes.

I'm betting it'll be House Speaker Mikey Johnson. He has been swooning  over the center-ring clown for months!

Hold your friends close. . . and your ballot closer!


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