The Judge and the Jerk. . .

 Judge Cannon and Traitor Trump
There are many crimes that have been commuted in the last 1,263 days since Jan. 6th, but maybe the most egregious in the annals of our law books will be the complete annihilation of our law by one Judge Eileen Cannon of the convoluted state of Florida. If ever there was a total take-over of a person's mind and heart by another human, it would be the former president bending the mind of this judge who gave over her absolute grin and gavel to a depraved human being named Trump!

The judge has abdicated her authority to Donald Trump in organizing how she should handle this case before her. The reason I believe this case is so important is because it involves thousands of secret and top secret documents in boxes he has stolen when he left the White House and hid them in his residence at Mar-a-Lago. When he was originally asked about them, he denied having any. The crime was concluded when the FBI had to prosecute an unannounced raid to get the documents. It was later found the FBI didn't get all of them.

The inexperienced Judge Cannon has not only "slow-walked" the beginning of this trial through unexplainable reasons and stall tactics, but you might say she has simply "sat on it" until after the Nov. 5th election! People have taped conversation between Trump and others at Mar-a-Lago where he actually shows some of these documents.

One very large and important question remains: Why did Trump take them and what does he intend to do with them? Some of the top secret documents would be of great value to our adversaries!

And here we are, letting Judge Cannon stonewall when - or if - we ever see Trump get his just deserts. . . before he sells them to the highest bidders.

This is unprecedent, unconstitutional, and unbelievable!

Another same ol', same ol' ending to a Trump caper where he is allowed to walk away free as a cool Montana breeze!


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