Was Jan. 6th just another day of infamy in the neighborhood?

Lest We Forget Who Is Responsible

President of the United States of America, Franklin D. Roosevelt, spoke to a joint session of Congress on December 8, 1941. He said, "yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date that will live in infamy. . ." and with that began our war with Japan.

On January 6, 2021 - "another date that will also  live in infamy. . ." began our war with the Republican/MAGA  Party of America. Then-President of the United States of America Donald Trump gave no such FDR-type speech.  The reason is because he was in the White House dining room,  upset with Vice President Pence because he refused to overturn the presidential  election results and give the presidency to him. Instead, Trump went into a temper-tantrum as he threw bottles of catsup at the wall.  

That "day of infamy" is still with us. It is a wound that refuses to heal because there has been no remorse from any of the leadership of the guilty party. In fact, they have refused to admit any wrong and have been very busy racking in millions of dollars from their insurrection dollars for their own re-election bids.

It was a black-letter day in our history. It is not over, nor is it likely to ever be over, until the guilty are brought to justice. They are all well-known and many are  running for re-election . . . 

. . . even Donald J. Trump, the guiltiest of all!

America - we are the most gullible of all God's creatures!


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