They'll Blow Themselves From Texas to Mar-A-Lago

The Hand Grenade is an explosive weapon typically thrown by hand, but can also refer to a shell that can be shot from the M67 grenade (stun grenade).

As an old Army soldier, I was required to throw live grenades over a brick wall to blow a hole in the ground and scare the hell out of any sand creatures that may be hiding in the Monterey Bay/Fort Ord target area of California. 

The MAGA/Republican Party is doing the same thing, only with tough talk and a grenade full of rally speeches, conspiracy theories, and good old conservatives lies. We'll all be able to watch the whole show on TV, that is if the millions of large posters printed in large font size, promoting the Ten Commandments doesn't get in the way of television cameras.

However, on Nov. 5, 2304, their entire arsenal of grenades and bombs are going to explode into "truth bombs" and expose the ugly facts about their plan to turn America into an authoritarian rule. They have not been shy about leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for us to  see and follow. They are either very sure the plan is so good it can't fail  or they just think we are a bunch of hicks who are easy marks for such screw-ball, nitwit ideas.

Hope you haven't made plans to move to Canada or Norway yet, because there is no way in hell this country will bow down to a Berkeley Pit truckload  full of these yahoos!


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