Friday, June 7, 2024

It's Time To Retire, Justice Thomas!

Oh, Money!  We may have to reconvene Court!

It is of little consequence to me how many millions Justice Clarence Thomas has received from billionaire donors for bribes the last 33 years for his conservative votes on Supreme Court decisions. It is of far more concern to me as to how much it has cost us!

It is beyond belief that this Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, who has held the life-time honor of this title has been selling his decision-making votes to a very rich political animal. 

Justice Samuel Alito has, allegedly, been accused of doing the same thing. These men hold the prestigious honor of sitting in the highest court in the United States of America. That should be heady enough for any American.

But, evidently, Thomas' and Alito's burning love affair with the conservative party is of more importance to them!

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