Friday, June 14, 2024

Now what are they up to?


Justice Clarence Thomas is getting his pound of Revenge
for all of the mean things that have been said about him.
It seems like it's fair to him if he wins something we will all lose at.

This latest game of revenge was stirred up when an issue of "once-illegal bump stocks" suddenly came to light on the Supreme Court docket. Convenient, huh?

The issue:  A cheap "bump stock" easily added to a gun can allow the shooter to fire NINETY bullets in TEN SECONDS! It quickly becomes a gangster-style Tommy Gun of the "Pretty Boy Floyd" era!

Of course, hunters and target shooters will now be able to do what they've long wanted:  Shoot 90 rounds in 10 seconds at an innocent deer, antelope, elk, or a helpless target on the range.  

Literally every American knows this is bullpucky talk from the NRA, the gun manufacturers, the Republican/MAGA Second Amendment fighters, and now the conservatives who wear the long black robes on the Supreme Court. 

Whenever they get their feelings hurt because their secrets of accepting bribes hit the press, they counter with some crazy ruling they know will drive the "lefties" wild!

This is how the last vestiges of hope for law and order has turned out.  The U.S. Supreme Court was once the "court of last resort" for America. In recent  months, however, the far- right members of the highest court in the land are now the lowest

The Republican/MAGA movement in America has finally taken over the high court and is shutting down any punishment that should have been levied against them. 

They now have free reign to do as they wish - and anyone who disagrees will suffer the eternal wrath of the THOMAS/ALITO "RIGHT"  REVENGERS! 

Never mind the thousands  of innocent men, women, and children who will be killed by the "Pretty Boy Floyds" of today! It couldn't have been the "high court's" fault. . . could it?

Stay tuned. . . unfortunately there is always more to come!

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