Let's Hear It For The GIFTER!

Clarence and the Billionaires
Having a Cash For Clarence Picnic
To Help  Him Through the Lean Times

You'll notice they are getting a blessing from above, first!

If something isn't done about the ethics of the United States Supreme Court now, it will never get done. While the Justices all insist they are capable of handling their individual ethics concerns, they seem to have a big problem understanding what Americans' ethics concerns are. 

When we lose control of these twelve people and the oath they took, we have just about lost the ball game. When we accept the politically biased executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government, we are no longer a democracy, , , we are -  as of now - a clearing house for the Republican/MAGA Political Party!

The billionaire donors of the far-right Justices are calling the shots on behalf of 330 million Americans! 

And that, my friends, is probably how the women of America lost the last vestiges of their  health care and their abortion rights!

If we do nothing, we have no one else to blame.


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