Total Control on their Minds - Blood on their Hands

Bump Stock Blood On Their Hands

The MAGA/Republican-controlled U.S. Supreme Court has lifted the ban on bump stocks and they will have blood on their  hands when the next mass killing happens and it was done with a Bump Stock rapid fire machine. In 2017 in Las Vegas, a mass killer fired more than 1000 bullets  in eleven minutes with the help of a bump stock, killing 58 people and wounding more than 850 among the crowd of 22,000.

The majority of MAGA/Republicans throughout the two houses of congress were in favor of the decision by the high court because they fully support the second amendment. It's that simple. 

Next to reversing Roe v. Wade, this is the most dangerous thing this court has done.  Whatever the MAGA in Congress can't control, they have the MAGA in the high court to handle it for them. And, if their MAGA leader is chosen to move into the Oval Office, they will have the trifecta of our government's top three to run the nation!

Maybe some of you can't - or won't - see that. But, if it happens, you will most certainly feel it!

November 5, 2024 is coming soon - 139 DAYS TO GO!



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