The Far-Right is planning more than just stealing elections. . .

The United States Supreme Court

There is a political crisis unfolding that we should have seen coming. The extreme far-right forces of the Republican/MAGA Party are flexing their muscles in heretofore unseen ways. It is disheartening and it is seen by many as a complete takeover of our highest court in the land.

Two of the Supreme Court's justices are seriously in lock step with the Right movement and are refusing all requests by our legislative branch to recuse themselves from any cases that would pertain to the Jan. 6th insurrection. Their interest - and possible involvement - is something we are continually investigating. 

Justice Alito said it was his wife who hoisted the upside-down flag of distress on two of their homes. And inverted flag is a symbol of the Jan. 6th perpetrators. He has blamed it all on his wife, but of course there is no proof since there has been no investigation.

Justice Thomas has been in hot water since he has been involved in Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a motor home, lavish trips, and perhaps much more. Thomas' wife is an vigorous activist for the Right and was involved in the Jan. 6th attack on our Capitol. 

When these traitors are very active and extremely open to their plans to hijack our democracy and replace it with some sort of an authoritarian rule, we need to be vigilant.  However, when they make our United States Supreme Court a target of their takeover,  we need to panic! 

Watch the news closely. This isn't "just a political thing." 


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