Sunday, June 9, 2024

It's Time For OUR RETRIBUTION, isn't it?

The Maestro says "Retribution!"

There are those who seek retribution as an offensive maneuver when they fear their opponents are gaining the upper hand. It is mostly an act of deception to confuse the true problem - and the participants - as well.

Consider Donald Trump and his MAGA congressional  lieutenants. They have found themselves between a rock and a hard place. When the Republican/MAGA terrorists tried to rig the 2020 electoral college votes for president - and got caught. It led to total chaos and a frightening insurrection on our Capitol. Fake electors were to move in and place their fake ballots in key states that would give Trump the win. The fake ballots were caught and ignored by Vice President Pence.

Since that Jan. 6, 2021 "day of infamy," the MAGA cult has shown our nation no mercy. Like thieves in the night, they were seen as enemies of America and they decided their best defense was a good offense, and proclaimed "RETRIBUTION!" They were guided by the man who insisted he lost the presidency  through criminal means. 

Today, that man - Donald Trump - has risen to unbelievable heights in the polls as the MAGA candidate for the Oval Office. His supporters are "zombies" who are dead from the neck up. "Retribution: is the word of the hour. Trump is quick to tell all of us what to expect when he wins. He will arrest all  of his current "opposition" and throw them in jail. He will write a new "organization chart" to eliminate such offices that pertain to anything involving "Rule of Law" and "FBI." He will place the Department of Justice under his Executive Branch of Government.

On and on. . . he will tailor his new authoritarian government to suit his own desires.  Could he be successful? Authorities on  the subject say "yes." 

The only way he would not succeed is if "we voters" said "NO" to him as a candidate!

But remember, the final decision is always up to us, the voters!

And that will be our "Retribution."

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