Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Evil Forces Are Gathering. . .

Roger Stone 
A Man With an Evil Plan

Roger Stone's Insidious Plan to "win" the 2024 election for Trump was caught on tape. His confidence in getting the job done is pure "Roger Stone" and the corrupt thinking of this looney was on full display in the secret taping. He says they will "use attorneys, judges, and technology" to get it done.

Stone, the man who was Richard Nixon's biggest fan, has a gigantic tattoo of Nixon that covers his entire back. He believes the only way to guarantee a political win for Trump is to cheat like hell - to the point of breaking all of the rules of our laws.

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this plan is this:  Last week, all of Trump's corrupt brethren were positive he was going to win. So, why the devious plan?  

Stone is right down there is the slimly swamp with the likes of Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn, just to name a few. If Stone is telling the truth, he and the cluster of all of Trump's corrupt traitors will be back in business, trying to steal another election.

Are we getting that sick feeling in the pit of our stomach again? They won't win, but their corruption on top of corruption sure gets tedious!


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