Somebody needs to explain to right-wingers about who, exactly, in in distress. . .

The Internet has been hammering right-wing groups for being absolutely unamerican in flying the flag upside-down in support of Trump

The Heritage Foundation is but one more right-wing cult that is working to prop up a former president who has just been found guilty of 34 out of 34 felonies. The Heritage Foundation, sometimes referred to simply as Heritage, is an activist American conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. that was founded in 1973. It has been flying our flag upside-down since Trump was convicted of 34 felonies.

The U.S. flag code, which is not legally enforceable, says flags should not be inverted except as a signal of "dire distress," but the symbol has been used as a form of protest for decades. Anti-Vietnam War demonstrators used the inverted flag to protest the government actions. 

Various right-wing groups are now jumping on the Trump band wagon to denounce his convictions. They are adding our jury trials to their long list - and getting longer each day - things about America they detest.  

We the People must find a way to keep shoring up the cracks they are making in our "dam of democracy" or it will one day be impossible to repair. These right-wing trouble makers are bound and determined to set fire to the America we love and then rule over the ashes!

Ironically, the honest-to-God truth is America is in distress because of Trump! 


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